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[原創音樂] Paul Krause Vikings Jersey xpmmejof









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Inaction or unsatisfactory action on the part of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) could beSuperintendent of Police,Detroit Tigers Omar Infante Jersey, Maxine Grahamreason enough for members of the public to lodge complaints with the Police Complaints Authority or the Office of Professional Responsibility; both bodies are tasked with addressing the professional conduct of police officers.This is according to Superintendent of Police,San Diego Padres Jered Weaver Jersey, Maxine Graham, who revealed that it was at the recently concluded Police Officers’ Conference that the topic of poor investigation by officers was highlighted.It was recommended that more training for officers be undertaken in this regard,Jason Castro Jersey, Graham said. This move,St. Louis Cardinals Randal Grichuk Jersey, she speculated,Austin Jackson Jersey, will enable the force to yield better and more favourable results from investigations.There have been several instances whereby persons have claimed that they had made reports to police stations but the reports were not documented.According to Superintendent Graham, “I do not deny that some people make reports and then later on, those reports cannot be found…”She suggested that some such instances could occur when persons make reports over the phone.She said that when persons make reports in person, they are in a better position to observe the very visible officer’s name tag. “If the victim (or the person making a report) is not comfortable that person could lodge a complaint with the Complaints Authority,” Graham said.She alluded to the fact that within every organisation in this country there are “dos and don’ts and there are a lot of ifs and buts”.Each person attached to the various organisations is expected to know the right and decent thing to do. “If they have failed to fulfill their mandate, disciplinary action should be taken.”Regarding sexual offence matters, for instance, even before an arrest is made, a police officer is expected to take a statement and ensure that the victim is sent to seek medical attention.However, since such matters are addressed with considerable care,Omar Infante Jersey, Graham said that before any further action is taken,Cleveland Indians Yan Gomes Jersey, the file relating to the matter must first be prepared and sent to the Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions for guidance and advice.  There are certain procedures that must be followed before an individual accused of committing such a crime can be charged and tried.She explained that the Force has recently been able to put in place a special unit to deal with sexual offences. “We have completed a lot of these cases in the Magistrates’ Courts and they are now awaiting trial in the High Court…”This has not prevented people from voicing their concerns that the police style of dealing with such matters is not very timely and victim friendly.Graham made these disclosures during a recent Women and Gender Equality forum.During her presentation, she also made reference to the fact that, like the sexual offences matters, the Force has had its ‘hands filled’ with dealing with its Juvenile Department which is housed at the Criminal Investigation Department at Eve Leary.The Department,Drew Storen Jersey, which is headed by Superintendent Yvette Sanko,San Francisco Giants Gordon Beckham Jersey, is tasked with dealing specifically with juveniles and, according to Supt. Graham, “What I am happy about is that this section is linked with the Ministry of Human Services and the Child Protection Agency.” This allows the police to be informed of various juvenile matters reaching these agencies even if they were not reported directly to a police station.“Even cases that come from the interior are forwarded to the Force in like manner,” Graham said. “I have found that over the years things have improved with the different Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) such as Help and Shelter and we are seeing things happening for us,” Graham added.

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