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發表於 2017-7-1 14:40:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Unveils plans for silver jubilee celebrations(By Mondale Smith)The Inner Wheel Club of Georgetown’s 2009-2010 Executive Committee at the installation ceremony. Sitting at right is newly installed president Dorothy Fraser in the company of Immediate Past President Bernadette Juman-Yassin and other committee members. Standing at right is founder and past president Mayleen Davis. People bringing hope to people makes the world a better place as those who are less fortunate often don’t want to ask for help.On Tuesday last,Allen Barbre Eagles Jersey, amidst issuing a call for the Rotary family to join in celebrating 25 years of friendship and Service, the Inner Wheel Club of Georgetown encouraged all to enjoy their good fortunes, but ensure that they let those fortunes also benefit others.With plans to help bring hope through knowledge,Brent Celek Eagles Jersey, education and awareness for the period 2009-2010, Dorothy Fraser was installed as President of the club for a fourth term, succeeding immediate past President Bernadette Juman-Yassin.Charged with a task to ensure that women will continue their gatherings in true friendship to personally serve their communities and develop international understanding, she unveiled her plans for the year that could feature a number of activities in addition to the three main fund-raising events staged annually.Fraser, upon receiving the Presidential medallion, underscored that the efforts of the club will continue to offer hope to the less fortunate and underprivileged and would ensure that they are done with a ‘25’ theme attached to it this time around.Fraser, who is also President of the Guyana Red Cross Society,Jeremiah Attaochu Chargers Jersey, said the group hopes to exceed funds raised over the past years and noted “I take on this challenge for yet another year because this is an extension of the daily work I do.”Most of the group’s members were there from its inception, and as the club embarks on its silver jubilee, ‘25’ will be kept in the forefront of fund-raising and other activities,Nelson Agholor Eagles Jersey, including 25 back-to-school packages for school children, three sets of 25 units of blood will be donated by Inner Wheelers and Rotary friends, 25 hours of voluntary service, 25 pap smears and the likelihood of the 25th scholarship being awarded.The group will continue its involvement in an ongoing National Park project. Fraser said the need for medical attention for children remains important, and will be among the focuses of the group as started by Past president Juman-Yassin. She also noted that there would be no Inner Wheel Club without the Rotary club.Also installed on Tuesday last at the Guyana Red Cross Headquarters were executive committee members Vice President Sinikka Henry,Philip Rivers Chargers Jersey, Secretary Monette Patterson, Treasurer Barbra Walrond, immediate past President Bernadette Juman–Yassin and Maxine Cummings.As part of the instalment ceremony cash donations of $80,000 each were made to the Guyana Red Cross Meals on Wheels,Junior Seau Chargers Jersey, the Methodist Church feeding programme, the St Andrews Kirk Kitchen project, the children’s Convalescent Home,Manti Teo Chargers Jersey, Mothers’ Union Day Care and the Guyana Relief Council.The group also renewed its promise to continue covering the cost for maintenance of the landscape of the Eccles Nursery School.The club, formed on October 16, 1984, was registered on January 2,Wes Hopkins Eagles Jersey, 1985, and had its first charter on March 16,Isa Abdul-Quddus Dolphins Jersey, 1985.The founder President is Mayleen Davis who is still active and will be serving as a committee member responsible for Scholarship Fund for the 2009-2010 term.President-elect, Rotary Club Pradeep Samtani made the first donation.

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