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Cheap Jerseys Free Naomi Singh









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發表於 2017-7-1 17:25:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two bandits shot three members of a family early yesterday morning, after luring them out of their home by forcing another relative who lives in the same yard to feign illness.Forty-nine-year-old gold miner Donald Caitan called ‘Danny’, was shot in the left knee, his 19-year-old daughter,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, Naomi Singh,NFL Jerseys Cheap, was wounded in the left thigh while her husband, Mahendra Singh, 29, was grazed by a bullet on the left buttock.The incident occurred at 1484 Nineteenth Avenue, Section ‘B’ Diamond Housing Scheme,Artemi Panarin Jersey, East Bank Demerara,The two male victims had confronted the attackers and a scuffle ensued during which the armed men managed to free themselves and while escaping discharged several rounds. They did not get anything from the family.Caitan, who suffered a broken leg, was admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital, while Naomi Singh and her spouse were treated and discharged.Kaieteur News understands that the robbers had lured Caitan and the two others out of their home by taking his mother-in-law, Sewdai Bhagwandai Moonsammy (who resides in the back house of the yard) at gunpoint to the property, and telling her to pretend that she had taken ill.Moonsammy related to Kaieteur News that she heard the sound of her gate opening at around 02:00 hrs but didn’t suspect that anything was amiss. “After I hear de gate I say it got to be meh son-in-law checking de gate to make sure it lock…but de noise continue for awhile.”However, when the light at the back of her house suddenly went out,NFL Jerseys China Online, the woman decided to investigate.“I decide fuh get up after I see like de light come off, so when I come off de bed I notice de back door wide open and while I walking towards de door I see two men standing up wid guns pointing towards me.”Moonsammy said she started to scream but the men held her at gunpoint and warned her to be quiet,Cheap Jerseys From China, while leading her back into her house. “Dey put de gun to me and ask me whey all de money and jewellery deh…I must hand it over.”The woman said she began pleading with the gunmen not to harm her since she was ill and had no money.“Dey ask is who shop and meh tell them is meh daughter shop,Throwback Jerseys, so dey ask me whey meh daughter deh, and I tell dem dat she over at the shop in front. De men tell me to call and tell she that a tek in and I got to go to de hospital.”The men then led her to her daughter’s house.“As soon as meh daughter and she husband come and open the door, dey loose me and go to meh daughter and she husband.”She said the bandits then ordered her son-in-law and granddaughter’s husband to hand over valuables.Moonsammy said it was then that the two began to scuffle with the gunmen, who at that point appeared to be confused.“After dem boy start to fight back de gunmen run out and meh son-in-law run behind dem, but den he fall down…like he didn’t even realize that he get shoot.”The woman said that two other granddaughters who were hiding in their bedroom managed to contact ranks at the Diamond/Grove Police Station, who arrived shortly after the gunmen had fled.Police took the wounded to hospital.When this newspaper arrived at the scene, ranks from the Criminal Investigation Department were taking statements. Investigations are ongoing.The police removed several spent shells as well as a pair of slippers which was left behind by one of the gunmen.Criminals have been targeting residents in the Grove and Diamond Housing Schemes. Residents have established two policing groups to patrol the vast communities.

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