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發表於 2017-7-1 18:54:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Persons who forgot to wear their seatbelts got a rude awakening Tuesday when traffic officers pulled over numerous vehicles and charged persons for breaching the traffic law that provides for seatbelts to be worn.About 60 persons filled the traffic section of the Brickdam Police Station,LeBron James Cavaliers Swingman Jersey, pending charges for not complying with seatbelt stipulations. Kaieteur News understands that most of those detained by the police were passengers.Police Traffic Chief Brian Joseph said that the traffic department is currently heightening on the already existing ‘Operation Safeway’ initiative. The traffic head said that the police are currently looking out for passengers who take calmly the seatbelt law. He said that in light of the abrupt rise in accidents for the month, the police believe that more should be done to enforce the traffic laws.Last August,Enes Kanter Thunder Jersey, Home Affairs Minister,Harrison Barnes USA Jersey, Clement Rohee had mentioned that the government was seeking to amend the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act to make it compulsory for all passengers occupying especially the front seats of minibuses to wear seatbelts. That was said in connection to the rise in accidents occurring in that period of last year.On Tuesday, the Traffic Chief attributed the clamp down to the continuous rise in accidents from the start of May. The police said if the scenario continues,DeMarcus Cousins USA Jersey, then the accident and death numbers of this year will soon surpass that of last year.So far, from January to April of this year,Authentic Dwyane Wade Bulls Jersey, 27 accidents have occurred with 28 deaths. Last year for that same period, the country experienced 34 accidents with 34 deaths. As of Tuesday,Paul George USA Jersey, there were 32 accidents and 34 deaths.In 2009,Dirk Nowitzki Mavericks Swingman Jersey, the Police Traffic Department embarked on a campaign to reduce the carnage on Guyana’s roadways. The result was zero tolerance traffic enforcement ‘Operation Safeway’. As a result,Paul Millsap Hawks Swingman Jersey, a number of exercises were put in place to educate citizens about the necessity of heeding road laws.The Traffic Chief said that Tuesday’s exercise was just the continuation of that campaign,Kemba Walker Hornets Jersey, to keep the country’s roads safe. He added that passengers play a significant role in their own safety and they too should take note of measures put in place for them.Persons who were arrested will appear in court on May 28.

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