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發表於 2017-7-1 19:43:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 38-year-old realtor was yesterday brought before the courts for allegedly converting three months of a client’s rent to her personal use.Paula Welch appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court where a charge for Fraudulent Conversion was read to her by the Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.Welch denied the prosecution’s claim which detailed that on November 28,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, she was solely entrusted with $360,Adam Joseph Duhe Dolphins Jersey,000 by Samantha Burrowes to pay three months of rent,NFL Jerseys Supply, but fraudulently converted same to her own use.The prosecution who was represented by Corporal Bharat Mangru conveyed that Welch and Burrowes are known to each other. He said that on November 28,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Burrowes expressed her interest in a place to rent.Welch allegedly instructed the woman to pay an advance of $360,000 and she complied. The realtor had however told Burrowes that she will have to wait until November 28 to move in, since the place was under construction.According to the prosecution,Dwight Howard Hawks Jersey, checks later revealed that there was no such place and that the realtor converted the money to her own use. The matter was reported and the accused was arrested and charged.The woman told the court that she resides at 100 Leopold Street, Georgetown.Mangru offered objections to bail, highlighting that the woman had provided a different address to the police, and opined that if granted bail, the police would not know where to contact her.However, she explained that her office is at the aforementioned address whilst she has her family at 64 Samaroo Dam.The objections of the prosecution were overruled and bail was granted to the tune of $200,000 with the condition that she lodges her passport as well as report to the Superintendent of the Brickdam Police Station.However, her lawyer Mortimer Coddett then appeared and made an application for the bail to be reduced which was met with no objections from the prosecution.In response,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, bail was reduced to $150,000 with the same conditions. She is expected to return to court on January 20, 2014, for statements.

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