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發表於 2017-7-2 01:06:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Romila Boodram A 35-year-old block maker was shot dead in his house around 01:00 hr. yesterday by two armed men in what is believed to be a robbery.Dead: Germing Anthony GilesThe dead man has been identified as Germing Anthony Giles, of Barnwell North, Mocha, East Bank Demerara (EBD).Giles was shot in the left eye. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).Police in a release said that the now dead man was awakened by a noise at his door. He allegedly opened a window to check and was shot in the process.It was further explained that after Giles was wounded, two men entered the house through the open window and held up his reputed wife of nine years, Jillian Ollivierre.The men reportedly searched the house and took away two cellular phones before escaping.Yesterday, Ollivierre explained that she and her partner were awakened by a loud bang on the door early in the morning.She said that her partner got out of bed and opened one of the bedroom windows to see who was at the door.The widow added that as soon as Giles opened the window, she heard a loud explosion and witnessed him falling back on the bed, with blood pouring from his left eye.“Everything happened really fast. When he fall backwards, a man jump through the window and asked me where the money and gold was. He walked to the door and opened it to let in the other man,Ha Ha Clinton-Dix Packers Jersey UK,” Ollivierre recalled.She explained that she only returned from the interior two Mondays ago where she worked as a cook while her reputed husband made and sold concrete blocks in the village.One of Giles’ siblings pointing at the window where his brother was shot.The visually shaken woman related that her purse with cash and gold was hanging by the bedroom door but the armed men did not see it.“One of them was wearing a mask. When I looked at the other one, he tell me not to look at him…They keep asking me for money and gold and I say I don’t have,Rocky Bleier Steelers Jersey UK,” the woman added.She said that the entire ordeal lasted for about five minutes. When the men left, the woman said that she ran out of the house to get help. All this time, Giles was unconscious.Meanwhile, Giles’ siblings are pointing fingers at his reputed wife.One of his brothers who asked not to be named said that his sibling was murdered.“I don’t know but this thing look funny, funny. First of all,Steve Bartkowski Falcons Jersey UK, how he reached over the window so fast and then, if it was a robbery, how come they didn’t go with the bag she had the money in? The house didn’t even ransack,” the sibling questioned.A Post Mortem examination is expected to be done today.Germing Anthony Giles leaves to mourn his partner and 10 siblings.Giles is the sixth person to be slain within the first eight days of March.The victims include 19-year-old suspected gang member Ryan Sooklall, called ‘Plyboard,’ who was gunned down on March 1;  Kaneville resident Shem Padmore, 28, shot dead under mysterious circumstances last Thursday; Charles Major, 57, of Victoria, East Coast Demerara,Rob Gronkowski Patriots Jersey UK, battered to death at Mahdia; Clement Issacs,Patrick Chung Patriots Jersey UK, stabbed to death at Konawaruk,Drew Bledsoe Patriots Jersey UK, Potaro; and Neil Deo Hansram, called ‘Shetty’, of Parika,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey UK, Essequibo,Ross Cockrell Steelers Jersey UK, hacked to death at Hog Island,Javon Hargrave Steelers Jersey UK, Essequibo.

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