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發表於 2017-7-2 02:38:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Youths of Farm, East Bank Demerara were forced to create a playfield of their own after a confusing tale of events left their community ground ploughed, with a few loads of sand and a drain running through the middle.Community representatives have pleaded with three government ministers, but today the ground resembles a ploughed up rice field,Alan Page Vikings Throwback Jersey, overrun with bushes.The story started sometime last year when the community requested the upgrading of the ground,Walter Payton Bears Throwback Jersey, which was used mainly for cricket and football matches on the weekends and after school hours. The ground was used by youths of Farm and nearby communities such as Herstelling.Funding in the amount of $1 million was approved through the Ministry of Culture,Bruce Smith Bills Throwback Jersey, Youth and Sport through its community grounds enhancement programme. The funding was channeled through the Regional Democratic Council of Region Four.The selected contractor was Mr Dwarka Nauth. Incidentally,Brooks Robinson Orioles Throwback Jersey, Mr Nauth, an activist of the ruling PPP, is also the chairman of the Craig/Caledonia Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC).The contract was handed to Mr Nauth during the time of the Herstelling/Little Diamond NDC. That NDC was dissolved and replaced by an Interim Management Committee in October 2012.Kaieteur News understands that the contractor should have supplied 39 loads of sand to fill the ground.However, when this publication visited yesterday there were just a few piles of sand littering various sections of the ground.Residents said that the contractor ploughed the ground and did not complete the work. In fact, whatever machinery was used has left a drain in the middle of the ground.At the time of the installation of the IMC, residents and members of the IMC brought the matter to the attention of the Minister within the Ministry of Local Government Norman Whittaker. He promised to look into the matter.However, nothing happened. The Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali visited the area and the matter was raised with him. He too promised to help, but nothing happened. The Minister of Culture,Jim McMahon Bears Throwback Jersey, Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony visited, but yet still, there was no development.The chairman of the IMC was not available for comment when Kaieteur News visited.When contacted, the contractor said that his contract came to an end in December last year. As far as Mr Nauth is concerned,Brett Favre Packers Throwback Jersey, he did more work than he was supposed to do.The contractor said he was required to plough the field, level it, and compact the ground with 300 cubic yards of sand.Mr Nauth said he received the contract after he was asked to submit a quotation.Of the $1 million contract sum, Nauth said he received only $600, 000.The Regional Executive Officer of Region Four Mr Deolall Rooplall said he could not speak with Kaieteur News without the permission of the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government regarding the matter. However,Len Dawson Chiefs Throwback Jersey, he asked this newspaper to email him any questions for clarification and he would seek clearance from the Permanent Secretary and respond. Up to press time,Sam Mills Panthers Throwback Jersey, there was no response from Mr Rooplall.With all the confusion, the youths of the area are unable to use the ground. It’s overrun with bush and resembles a ploughed up rice field.As such,Cal Ripken Orioles Throwback Jersey, the youths decided to level off an area in the compound of the NDC which they now use to play games.

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