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–    Refused to fix the step for other tenantsA mother of three yesterday expressed anger at her landlord for breaking down the step, leading to her upper flat apartment because of financial issues with another tenant who shared the other half of the flat.Lorna Apple said that she rented half of an upstairs,Cheap Jerseys From China, located at Lot 57 Joseph Pollydore Street,NFL Jerseys From China, Lodge, Georgetown,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, from a woman for over 10 years.  She took over the flat from her sickly mother.Apple explained that last Sunday, her landlord (name given) visited the property and with the help of a male,Cheap Sports Jerseys, demolished the wooden step which was the only possible means of entering her home.The highly upset woman said that when she questioned the landlord, the latter claimed that she had broken the step because the other tenant who had occupied the other half of the building did not pay her the rent.“The Sunday when she break the step down, the same night the people left and when I talk to her about putting back the step she said that I should give her two days,NFL Jerseys Cheap China,” Apple stated.The mother of three claimed that after she noticed a few days had passed and nothing was done,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, she called the landlord but was told that “she (landlord) don’t have time for that and that she will probably fix it in next two weeks.”The woman who is now using a wooden ladder to enter and leave her home told Kaieteur News that it is very frustrating for her since she has a two-month-old baby whose napkins have to be washed and hanged in the sun often.The woman questioned why she should be the one punishing when she is always up to date with her rent.Efforts to contact the landlord were futile. Kaieteur News was initially told that the police are investigating the matter and that they too are unable to contact the woman.

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