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By Leon SuseranMinister of Housing, Irfaan Ali,Jim Plunkett Raiders Jersey, has warned house-lot applicants who may have secretly applied for more than one house lot, to leave the process immediately or face the consequences. He was addressing house lot allottees at the Ministry of Housing and Water’s ninth One-stop-shop for 2012,Ted Hendricks Raiders Jersey, where more than 560 house lots were distributed in Berbice.The one-stop shop was held on Friday at the Port Mourant Community Centre Ground. The lands are located in the Kilcoy-Chesney,Ray Lewis Ravens Jersey, Corentyne area.A section of the house lot allotteesAli told the applicants that many people try to manipulate the process to acquire more than one house lot.“We have a clause that if we find such persons who would have misinformed us in the application, or we find that they manipulated the system, we will not only be repossessing the land, but also forfeiting the monies they would have paid down for the land.“That is a clause of the Agreement of Sale. We are giving a complete list of the allottees to the Region and NDCs so that persons can have the opportunity of giving us any information they think is necessary”.“Sometimes the wife applies and then the husband applies…and they don’t declare any of this information on the forms”. He mentioned the “simple clause that basically says that any information that you would have supplied on that form,Reggie Wayne Colts Jersey, that is not true and correct or information that you have manipulated, if we find any of that information—and trust me, we will find.“In Region Five,Marshall Faulk Rams Jersey, we found many cases. So if you know that you already have a house lot,Mike Wagner Steelers Jersey, please leave the process now.”He added that between 2010 and 2011, more than 10,000 house lots have been allotted. In the system currently,Mark Duper Dolphins Jersey, there are 1,Wayne Chrebet Jets Jersey,552 house lots.Ali added that infrastructure has cost the government $1B “and the level of subsidy the government is putting into Kilcoy/Chesney is 73 per cent or a total of more than $750M”.An applicant pulls her number for a house lot from an envelope.He added, too,Seth Joyner Eagles Jersey, that the remainder of applicants for house lots will be allocated their portions next year. The Minister stated that this is significant to national development “since it adds to the wealth of the country; it adds to the improvement in family lives and livelihood; adds to empowerment of people; enhancement of communities; it creates tremendous economic wealth and has the greatest trickle-down effect in terms of growth and development and it is an important generator of jobs”.The next one-stop- shop is billed for Region 4.

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