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發表於 2017-7-2 12:34:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, has said that Cabinet has endorsed the Lethem Development plan and the Linden Road Development plan,Brent Seabrook Jersey, after discussing the two presentations by the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission and the Central Housing and Planning Authority.Dr. Luncheon explained that the Lethem Development plan focuses on the physical,Johnny Gaudreau Team North America Jersey, social and economic features of the area, as it recognises a future in which residential, agricultural,Dalton Prout Jersey, agro-industrial,Keith Magnuson Jersey, recreation and energy sector prospects will dominate.Meanwhile,Pavol Demitra Jersey, the Linden Road Development plan was outlined in a similar fashion as it deals with an imaginary corridor stretching along the proposed roadway from Lethem to Linden, and extending variable distances on either side of the road.The plan also examines the prospects for the development along that Lethem/Linden road way, as business, transportation needs and security considerations were also dealt with.As such, Luncheon noted, cabinet endorsed both plans,Tony Esposito Jersey, and agreed that a development body and agency would be established in order to implement the plan.Recently,David Savard Jersey, during a visit to the paved highway from Linden to Lethem, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds had noted that, while there are good sections of the roadway, there are patches that need to be upgraded,Nick Foligno Jersey, since the aim is to provide an entire route that will allow easier and continuous transportation access.This is important, since the roadway is likely to serve as the main artery from Boa Vista and Manaus, through Lethem and Linden, to Georgetown.Kaieteur News understands that another technical and economic study for paving the roadway is underway, as the establishment of the paved road from Linden to Lethem is estimated at US$150M, while improvement of the bridges may cost an additional US$100M.Consideration is being given to the economic feasibility of the project at this time when there is limited traffic,Brandon Mashinter Jersey, averaging about five vehicles per day.Government’s investment to improve and maintain the roadway has been costing between $200M and $300M annually since 2005, while there is a programme that focuses on maintenance and upgrading of the bridges.

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