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發表於 2017-7-2 21:24:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Embattled television station owner, Chandra Narine Sharma, yesterday made his second court appearance in relation to the obstruction of justice charge which was levied against him last month.Sharma who is ensnarled in a sex probe with a 13-year-old female was accused of willfully attempting to obstruct the course of justice when he allegedly hid the teen’s mother at a Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara home.Yesterday, as the matter was called before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson, Police Prosecutor Stephen Telford informed the court that the prosecution was not ready to proceed with the matter.The prosecutor explained that the file was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions for legal advice and had not been returned.Telford asked for another date so that the prosecution could gain possession of the file. He also noted that the prosecution was not ready to proceed with the case concerning Sharma’s five associates who were also charged with the same offence.Tyrone Ali, Mark Reid,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, Ravi Mangar,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Raywattie Ramsaywack and Doodnauth Sharma were also charged with obstructing the course of justice.Attorney at law Nigel Hughes,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, who is representing Sharma,Adidas Craig Smith Jersey, told the court that given the nature of the charge the prosecution should have been ready to proceed.The Magistrate subsequently adjourned both matters until June 10. Sharma is presently on $100,000 bail in relation to this matter.Almost a month ago, girls aged five,Jerseys Cheap NFL, nine, 18 and 21,Arizona Diamondbacks Fernando Rodney Jersey, as well as a cousin; aged 12, came forward with the allegation that Sharma sexually assaulted them.He was subsequently charged with one count of carnal knowledge, and was placed on $2M bail by Magistrate Sueanna Lovell.As part of the bail agreement, Sharma had to lodge his passport and also has to report Mondays and Fridays to the Criminal Investigations Department.Sharma is also expected to return to court on May 28 before Magistrate Sueanna Lovell as the preliminary inquiry for the carnal knowledge case continues.

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