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發表於 2017-7-2 21:56:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police investigating the murder of Detective Constable Igris Blackman have taken possession of a sledgehammer that was reportedly used to smash the policeman’s skull.Kaieteur News understands that on Friday detectives returned to the house at Parfait Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, which the dead cop shared with his reputed wife, Desiree Jeffers, and recovered the sledgehammer.A source close to the investigation revealed that Jeffers, who was arrested following the discovery of Blackman’s body, accompanied the detectives to the house and showed them the hammer, suggesting that she had finally confessed to killing Blackman.Blackman’s bound and gagged body was pulled from a septic tank at the back of the Parfait Harmonie house last Thursday after it was discovered there by relatives who had mounted a search for him following his disappearance the previous day.A post mortem examination revealed that the 33-year-old Blackman died as a result of a fractured skull due to blunt trauma to the head.This newspaper was told that from the examination, Blackman was beaten on his head with a heavy object.Meanwhile, police have now detained a woman who relatives said was at the Parfait Harmonie house the day Blackman went missing.They are still looking for two men who were also reportedly at the house at the same time.A neighbour had told this newspaper that she had seen the woman and four men leaving the property early Thursday morning, mere hours before Blackman’s body was found.This newspaper also understands that detectives have also taken blood samples from the dead cop’s body to match it with what was found in the house.On Thursday investigators had discovered a pool of blood concealed under vinolay on the ground floor.The dead cop and his reputed wife, Desiree Jeffers, were before the court over the $12M Parfait Harmonie property.Blackman had been separated from Jeffers and was living with another woman,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, although he still visited the disputed property.On Wednesday, last, he went to the house to collect some of his belongings and was not seen alive again.A female friend, who last saw him alive early Wednesday morning, told the media that she had called Blackman on his cellular phone and he told her that he was at the Parfait Harmonie house with his former reputed wife. That was the last time Blackman was heard from.

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