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發表於 2017-7-3 00:30:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A female security guard attached to the Instant Security Service was attacked and severely beaten by two masked men,Randall Cobb Packers Jersey UK, early yesterday morning,Martellus Bennett Patriots Jersey UK, while she was stationed at the Hand in Hand Insurance Company on the Avenue of the Republic.During the attack,Chris Hogan Patriots Jersey UK, the woman, 41-year-old Surdjai Charran,Antonio Brown Steelers Jersey UK, was struck on the head with an iron crowbar.According to the woman’s husband,James White Patriots Jersey UK, Herman Persaud,Carnell Lake Steelers Jersey UK, who spoke to this newspaper yesterday afternoon,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey UK, he received a telephone call from his supervisor informing him about the incident.Persaud who works nearby at the Guyana Stores Limited said that he received the call shortly after 04:00hrs.He said that his wife managed to call his work place before she lost consciousness. He said that he arrived minutes after and saw his wife lying in a pool of blood. He said that he quickly whisked her away to the Georgetown hospital.While at the medical institution his wife regained consciousness and managed to give him an account of what transpired.The man said that his wife was at the front desk when the two men who were masked pounced on her. He said that the men demanded that his wife hand over her valuables,LeGarrette Blount Patriots Jersey UK, which included five gold rings and her cell phone.“She was giving them the stuff and suddenly they start lashing she in she head with de iron bar” the man said.He said that after they started hitting her in the head she collapsed at the site and regained consciousness at the hospital.The woman is presently a patient at the Georgetown Hospital female surgical ward. She is nursing two clearly visible lacerations to the head,Mike Wagner Steelers Jersey UK, her skull is fractured and she is also wearing a neck brace. Charran was also receiving oxygen and intravenous drips.The woman has been stationed at the Hand-in-Hand Insurance Company since August last and began working at the security company this past June.Her husband said that before the attack happened he had pleaded with his wife to resign from the job because it was getting dangerous.(Latoya Giles)

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