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發表於 2017-7-3 02:53:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Dr. Steve Surujbally– De Groot is new Chairman of Livestock Dev. AuthorityBy Leonard GildarieGovernment has appointed Managing Director of Bounty Farms Limited, Patrick De Groot, as the new Chairman of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) after widespread criticism by opposition parties, among others, over the choice of Dr. Steve Surujbally.De Groot, who has led Bounty Farms to becoming one of the top producers of chickens, pork and stockfeed in Guyana, was named as a director to the body which was recently established,Fernando Rodney Jersey, and which wide-reaching authority is expected to revamp the livestock industry in the country.De Groot’s appointment, by the Ministry of Agriculture on Wednesday, will end on August 31 next year.Meanwhile, on Wednesday also, the Ministry wrote Surujbally rescinding his appointment to the GLDA’s Chairmanship.Expressing regret at the rescission, Minister Robert Persaud insisted that the appointment was not illegal, and in the context of the arguments, “beyond our contemplation”.The Minister, in the letter to Dr. Surujbally, also disclosed that legal advice was sought on the matter and it was found that there was nothing illegal.There has been a rash of letters in the newspapers calling for Dr. Surujbally, who is the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), not to accept the position,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, especially as Guyana is preparing for General Elections later this year.It was argued that while the appointment was not illegal,Cheap Sports Jerseys, it would however give the appearance of a conflict of interest.Patrick De GrootA columnist in Kaieteur News, earlier this week, argued that there is no doubt that the Chairman of GECOM would have broken no law and would not be in violation of the Constitution of Guyana by accepting the position of the Chairperson of GLDA.“The Constitution stipulates that the Chairman of GECOM should be a fulltime employee and not be engaged in any other form of employment. This provision of the constitution was not intended to deny anyone holding the Chairmanship of GECOM from participating in national bodies.”The purpose of the provision, the columnist argued,NFL Jerseys China Online, was no doubt intended to ensure that the Chairman of GECOM would be able to dedicate sufficient time to his work as Chairperson of GECOM without the burden of other employment obligations.“Thus, it was intended to ensure that the Chairperson would not be distracted in his duties as Chairman by other obligations.”Yesterday,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, the Alliance For Change (AFC) also argued that appointment of Surujbally was not done in the spirit of the country’s constitution.In rescinding the appointment on Wednesday,Cheap Jerseys Free, Minister Persaud stressed that he is unaware of any contentions with respect to Dr. Surujbally’s suitability for leadership at the GLDA.“In fact, your role in heading the National Dairy Development Programme 25 years ago is recognition of your professional competence.The Agriculture Minister, pointing to the critical role played by the now-GECOM Chairman to have Guyana certified free of the dreaded foot-and-mouth disease, was also sure that livestock farmers “would be pained by this politically-contrived campaign” to have him removed.Regarding De Groot’s appointment, Minister Persaud noted that the businessman is recognized as a strong proponent of the country’s livestock industry.“His entrepreneurial abilities are recognized at Bounty Farms where he is the Managing Director. His initial appointment as a Director of the Guyana National Livestock Development Authority is as a result of his innovative qualities.”

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