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發表於 2017-7-3 07:21:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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While two policemen appeared before a Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with felonious wounding stemming from the alleged assault on suspects in the murder of a former Region Three official, more persons are likely to face the courts in relation to allegations of torture committed on a 14-year-old boy.Head of the investigation into the torture allegations, former Crime Chief Heeralall Mackhanlall, of the Police Office of Professional Responsibility, told reporters yesterday that while investigations are still ongoing, it is likely that more persons will be charged.He did not give details of who these persons might be or what position in the force they are holding.Many are pointing fingers at senior officers in the West Demerara Division who might have been culpable of attempting to cover-up the issue. The two police who appeared in court yesterday have not yet been charged for injuries inflicted on the 14-year-old suspect.Meanwhile, Police Commissioner Henry Greene explained that the absence of the statutory identification by the teenager charges against the policemen, have been put on hold.“It’s a question of identification and if you want that case to go overboard,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, then if you don’t do that, you will not have a substantial charge. We have to wait on that,” Greene explained.The Commissioner said that the police would wait until the teenager is discharged from hospital before he is taken to participate in an identification parade of the torture suspects.He informed that the police had a confession statement from the teenager, but of course it will be hard pressed for a court to accept it as admissible evidence should the teenager be charged.On Wednesday, Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson remanded the two policemen who are ensnared in the alleged torture of a 14-year-old. Sergeant Narine Lall, 38, who resides in the Leonora Police Compound, and Police Constable Mohanram Dolai, 30, of 101 East Meet-Meer-Zorg, were jointly charged with unlawfully wounding Mulfari Wilfred, between October 28 and October 29, at the Leonora Police Station.It was further alleged that the two lawmen between October 28 and October 29, unlawfully wounded Deonarine Raffi with the intent to cause actual grievous bodily harm.Both victims were at the time being investigated for the murder of a former region three official.

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