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發表於 2017-7-3 07:43:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Magistrate Sueanna Lovell, on Tuesday, concluded that there was sufficient evidence against Suriname-based Guyanese businesswoman,Michal Rozsival Jersey, Indranie Hopkinson, for her to be convicted for the crime of causing the death of an old age pensioner.In her ruling,Tyler Seguin Jersey, which was made at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Courthouse,Trevor Daley Jersey, Magistrate Lovell ordered that the woman pay a fine of $300,000 or spend three years in prison.Hopkinson,Jonas Brodin Jersey, 38,David Backes Jersey, of Lot 11 Zapata Straat, Cassova Hola,J. T. Miller Team North America Jersey, Paramaribo, Suriname, denied the allegation,Charlie Coyle Jersey, that she drove her motorcar PA 236 in a manner dangerous to the public thereby causing the death of 72-year- old, Lloyd Kelly, while in the vicinity of Cross Street, Alexander Village, on August 22, 2011.According to police reports, on August 22, 2011 around 12:45 hrs Hopkinson was driving a motorcar with a Surinamese license number plate PA236 attached to it,CM Punk Jersey, while at Cross Street, Alexander Village when she struck Kelly and another man, Brenton Ali, were walking along the road.  The mishap is said to have occurred after Hopkinson swerved to avoid smashing into a truck that was coming in the opposite direction. The woman lost control of the vehicle, skidded unto the parapet and collided with the two men.Both persons were seriously injured in the process, and were taken to the Georgetown Hospital. An eyewitness recounted that persons in the area who rendered assistance to the injured parties, had the task of removing Kelly from under the wheel of the vehicle.Kelly subsequently succumbed to his injuries but Ali survived to later serve as main witness in the case. The prosecution called at least six witnesses to the stand to give evidence in the matter.Defense Counsel, Basil Williams,Kari Lehtonen Jersey, in a no case submission told the court that the victim had been under the influence of alcohol.  Hopkinson also gave an unsworn statement in a bid to prove her innocence. The woman admitted to the open court that she had lost control of the vehicle after she changed direction to evade slamming into another vehicle but claimed that she never hit the men.However, Police Prosecutor David Hosanna in her closing argument stated that the ingredients of the crime were proven by the prosecution for the accused to be convicted of causing death by dangerous driving.Hosanna said that the accused was not paying due care and attention to the thoroughfare at the time of the accident.“She fell below the requisite skills of a competent driver and her fault caused the man’s demise.

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