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發表於 2017-7-3 09:42:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Dead: Kawall Singh– Property owner on vacation overseasA 26-year-old man who was described as a well-known thief succumbed at the Georgetown Hospital early yesterday morning after being shot by the police while he was burglarising a North Better Hope house.Dead is Kawall Singh,Jerseys From China, called Raymond, who according to residents was only released from prison just over a month ago.He was shot twice when he reportedly tried to attack a police rank who had confronted him in the property which belongs to a man who is presently overseas on vacation.Police in a press release stated that at about 02:00 hours yesterday, ranks responded to a report of burglary in a house at Better Hope North, East Coast Demerara, and on entering the building were confronted by Kawall Singh who was armed with knife.The release said that Singh made efforts to escape and was shot. He was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he succumbed while receiving medical treatment.This newspaper was told that the owner of the property had secured his premises and left for a Caribbean destination about a month ago.Burglar dies after shot by cop in house It is alleged that Singh,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, knowing that the owner was away, removed some louvre panes at a western window of the building and entered with the intention of looting the property.However he was seen by a nearby resident who immediately alerted the police.When the police arrived they were assured that Singh was still in the house and one brave rank decided to climb through the same window to confront the burglar.Once inside, the rank used his torch and located Singh who was crouching in a corner.Realizing that he was cornered, Singh reportedly attempted to stab the cop and was shot.Although injured, he fled and jumped through another window, but ran into the hands of the other ranks who had surrounded the property.A search was carried out on Singh’s person and the police realized that he had already stashed cash totaling $200,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,000 and a quantity of gold jewellery.These items were lodged at the Sparendaam Station while Singh was taken to the hospital where he eventually succumbed.Residents of the area were unanimous in their description of Singh as a known thief.“Plenty times de police does arrest he,Adrian Wilson Cardinals Jersey, but like he don’t stay in jail fuh long,Adidas Craig Smith Jersey,” one resident told this newspaper.As recent as Wednesday, Singh had threatened a businessman,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, who reportedly responded by telling him that he (Singh) would not die a quiet death.“I tell he ‘you nah gon dead pon bed’ and look wha happen,Cheap Jerseys From China,” the businessman recalled saying.Investigations into the matter are continuing.

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