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發表於 2017-7-3 10:16:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Robin Akeem Holder appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday to answer to four charges ranging from robbery under arms to unlawful possession of gun and ammunition.Holder was represented by defence counsel George Thomas. The accused was not required to plead to the two counts of robbery under arms. But he professed his innocence to the charges of possession of gun and ammunition without being the holder of a licensed firearm and ammunition.The court was informed by police prosecutor,Wholesale Jerseys, Sergeant Lionel Harvey that on January 24, last, while being armed with a gun, Holder robbed June Williams of a quantity of gold jewelry. On the same day he robbed Orin Hudson of a quantity of gold jewelry, two cellular phones, a wristwatch and $20,000 in local currency.Harvey added that on the same day,Cheap Jerseys From China, police ranks found the accused with a .38 revolver and four matching rounds in his possession.According to police reports,Cheap NFL Jerseys, on the day in question,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Holder in the company of another male, swooped down on the Serenity Bar located at Joseph Pollydore Street,Jerseys From China, Lodge, and held Williams and Hudson at gunpoint while demanding that they hand over everything. Holder’s victims became terrified and handed over the articles mentioned in the charge. Unfortunately for the bandits, a patron who was in the bar at the time of the incident saw what was happening and fired a shot with his licenced revolver hitting Holder in the face.The accused fell to the ground while his associate hurriedly escaped.The police were summoned and upon their arrival,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, Holder was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was admitted with a bullet wound to his face.George Thomas, the lawyer, in his bail application related to the court that on the day in question, his client entered the bar and made a purchase for which he paid in full. The lawyer said that it was during that time that bandits held the entire bar at gunpoint and robbed patrons before making good their escape.Thomas added that his client was an innocent bystander when he was shot in the crossfire. He also explained to the court that Holder has no knowledge of the other individual the police claimed was in his company.The attorney further stated that the accused resides at lot xx 13 North East La Penitence, Georgetown and is gainfully employed as a peddler.Thomas added that Holder still has the bullet lodged in his jaw.Nonetheless, bail was refused and the accused will make his next court appearance on February 14.

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