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發表於 2017-7-3 12:10:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– 20 parents placed before the courtsNEW AMSTERDAM,Jimmy Butler USA Jersey, BERBICE – With the freedom to prosecute parents of truants, Region Six may now be making headway in its fight. This is according to the Regional Education Officer Shafiran Bhajan.On Thursday last, 13 parents were placed before the Springlands Magistrate’s Court and in March 7,Taj Gibson Bulls Swingman Jersey, more were charged at the Number Fifty-one Magistrate’s Court.Regional Education Officer Shafiran BhajanThe charges ranged from child neglect to wandering and failure to educate. According to the Regional Education Officer, the parents all received warnings since they were first offenders.She called this a significant milestone since it is the first time that the Region was able to take legal action. She stressed that the goals of the Ministry of Education – Poverty Reduction Strategy Plan, Education Strategy Plan and the Millennium Goal all point to education for all.Truancy is of concern to the Education Ministry. It is said to be the number one problem brought to the forefront by residents during each Cabinet Outreach in East Berbice/Corentyne. Officials at the Department of Education were instructed to identify a strategy to curb the problem.The three-pronged approach to curb truancy in 2010 was put into action from March 17th and deals with Advocacy, Capacity Building and Incentives. This features a series of activities for the entire Region, including workshops for Liaison Officers, parent seminars, holiday outreach programmes, jingle competition,Deron Williams USA Jersey, visits by Schools’ Welfare Officers and monthly visits by the Regional Education Officer and the Regional Chairman.The Jingle Competition – ‘Arresting Truancy’ is slated for May 28th and would be sponsored by DIGICEL. From July 12th to 16th and July 19 to 23rd,Andrew Bogut Mavericks Swingman Jersey, the Holiday Outreach Programmes would be held in New Amsterdam, East Canje, Edinburgh, Black Bush Polder, Fyrish, Rose Hall Town, Eversham, Massiah, Corriverton and Crabwood Creek.Between January and June,Authentic Andrew Bogut Mavericks Jersey, September and November this year, there would be four Major and four Mini Operation Care activities held per month in selected communities with irregular attendance and punctuality.There would also be follow-up home visits by Head Teachers and staff, targeting 10 homes each week. Another strategy to combat the situation is to have monthly visits to communities across the Region with a low demand for education.In July and August the Department would host five Parent Seminars for capacity building in establishing a nurturing home environment. Between March and June there would be the Follow-Up Special Project ‘Community Mapping’ (Adapted by UNICEF from MV Foundation Rajasthan India) in specific communities such as Black Bush Polder, Orealla and the East Bank of Berbice.The frequency of the truancy campaigns was intensified and is now conducted on a weekly basis. It is hoped that parents would now recognize its importance as the Department of Education strives to improve pupils’ attendance. Mrs. Bhajan noted that by using the Annual Work Plan, which is broken down into a quarterly plan, the attendance rate would see some improvement. Though cognizant that it cannot be solved overnight, it is hoped that by December there would be a drastic reduction.The Department of Education is also networking with the Central Ministry, Probation Office at the Ministry of Human Service,Allen Iverson USA Jersey, the Guyana Police Force,Tobias Harris Pistons Swingman Jersey, Regional Health Authority and other stakeholders to ensure that target is met.In Region Six there are three Probation Officers along with four Child Protection Officers who are stationed in Canje, Corentyne and two are in New Amsterdam.Bhajan is calling on all citizens to report cases of truancy, neglect and child abuse. The hotline numbers are 692-1639, 626-9767 and 693-1392 or contact can be made with the Department of Education at Philadelphia Street, New Amsterdam or on telephone numbers 333-2517 or 333-2594.The Department of Education in Region Six is also looking for counselors to give psychological support and direction to truants and students who display violent tendencies along with their parents.The Regional Education Officer reminded parents and guardians of their duty to ensure their charges make full use of the education system.“It is only through education that they can be able to leave the school’s system with the required knowledge,Kyle Lowry USA Jersey, skills and attitude to become the successful adults of tomorrow.”Meanwhile, she said that violence in schools in Region Six is not prevalent, but there are some cases. The Department is said to have those suspected of having a violent temperament under its microscope.Based on the Maintenance of Order and Discipline, a Head Teacher can submit a request to the Department of Education for expulsion if a student was suspended more than what is acceptable. According to the Regional Education Officer, the case would be examined and the necessary action taken. However in recent times, no student was expelled.Later this week,Kentavious Caldwell-Pope Pistons Swingman Jersey, representatives of the Department of Education are expected to meet with the parents of some known trouble makers to determine the way forward.

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