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發表於 2017-7-3 16:59:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– head bashed inThe wife of prominent physician,Bobby Orr Jersey, Dr. Ramsundar Doobay, was found bludgeoned to death at around 16:30 hrs yesterday in the bottom flat of the couple’s Echilibar Villas,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Campbellville home.Police said that the body of 58-year-old Sharanie Doobay, was lying in a pool of blood near the kitchen of the two-storey residence.The woman had been struck at least four times in the head with a blunt instrument. Police sources said that one of the wounds was to the back of the head, another at the side,Jerseys From China, and two at the top of the skull. The victim was fully clothed.Detectives said that they found no sign of forced entry. Adding to the mystery was the fact that police officials reportedly found a substantial sum of cash on the premises, as well as the physician’s licensed 9mm Glock pistol.Detectives found no trace of the murder weapon despite a thorough search of the premises.The lawmen conducted a thorough search of the house and surrounding yards. Police ranks were also seen searching a garbage bin at the front of the yard.Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh also visited the scene.Police said that it was too early to identify a suspect but disclosed that they have detained a male relative of the slain woman.Detectives were reportedly told that the relative had visited Mrs. Doobay earlier in the day.Investigators believe that the woman was killed about two and a half hours before she was found.Reports are that her husband, accompanied by a nephew, arrived home at around 16:30 hours. He called repeatedly for his wife to open the door but got no answer. He eventually sought assistance from his nephew to remove a few panes from a window on the upper flat, since those in the lower flat were reinforced with metal grills.The nephew then climbed through the window, and entered the bottom flat, where he made the gruesome find. He then summoned Dr. Doobay.“I went into the kitchen and I saw her just laying there in a pool of blood with the back of her head smashed in,” the physician told Kaieteur News.“I left for work this morning; working so hard at the hospital,Nike NFL Jerseys China, thinking that I am coming home to my wife only to find her dead.”No one in the area claimed to have seen any suspicious movements. One resident said that she only noticed the doctor and a male removing the window panes from the window and when she enquired ‘if everything was ok’ she got no response.“This is a very quiet and secure neighborhood. No one ever thought that something so gruesome would come to our doorstep,” one resident said.Most of the properties in the area are guarded by special constables, but this publication was told that there were no guards at the Doobays’ residence.The guards who were present at the nearby residences all said they had seen nothing unusual since they had turned on for duty at 15:00 hrs to relieve their colleagues.Several of the couple’s relatives stood outside the premises in shock as persons described the scene inside the house.Persons who had known Mrs. Doobay described her as an intensely private person who occasionally had close relatives over for religious functions.Persons speculated that it must have been someone close to her who killed her since she was not a person who would open her door to strangers. However why someone would want to kill the woman is still a mystery, since,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, according to relatives she had no problems with anyone.Relatives also dispelled any suggestions that the woman and her husband had any problems.“He (Dr. Doobay) was very private as well but very close to his wife,” one relative said.“She was his right hand; she spent all of her days at home while he spent most of his time at work…she did everything for him and he adored her.”This newspaper was told that the couple had been married for more than 30 years.Several top Government functionaries turned up to offer their condolences. Among them were Minister of Health Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon, and officials from the Hindu and Muslim communities.Several staffers of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation were also present.

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