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Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping Human Services &amp









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發表於 2017-7-3 17:12:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Child Protection Week is observed in over 120 countries around the world, and the Ministry of Labour,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, Human Services & Social Security has chosen the week of 19th September for this purpose.This year’s activities will be centered on changes in the way children are viewed, treated and cared.  The observances conclude on September 25.According to the Ministry of Labour, Human Services & Social Security, the event was first observed in Guyana in 2004. It is generally a week to raise the level of awareness to the issues of child abuse,Cheap Jerseys From China, promote the value of children and to encourage individuals and local groups to take action to prevent their abuse.The Ministry disclosed that the focus this year is also on parenting, and child abuse reports continue to increase,Artemi Panarin Jersey, while the home is where the hurt is the most.“A space that should offer a child protection,Cheap Jerseys Free, affection, developmental stimulation, shelter and promotion for their rights is where children suffer the worst forms of violence, degrading and cruel treatment that maim and disfigure them and even result in their death.”According to international reports,NFL Jerseys Cheap, daily, children are beaten up in the worst ways as forms of punishment for wrongdoing, and hourly,NFL Jerseys From China, children are being sexually violated, grossly neglected, rejected and abandoned by their parents:  Abandoned being used in the wider sense of not being loved, wanted and accepted by the parent.An examination of the data collected by the Child Care & Protection Agency for the first half of the year revealed that 1,584 children were abused, with mothers and fathers being the main perpetrators.The Agency has revealed that 101 children were separated from their parents and placed in institutions.  There are now over 700 children in such facilities.  It was noted that institutional placement may be the best option at the time for the children, but a child has a right to a family and to be brought-up free from harm and abuse.“The desire is for children to be safe in their homes, receiving the care and attention that promote their wellbeing and for them to realize their highest potential.

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