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發表於 2017-7-3 17:43:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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During an interaction with Essequibians in the interest of working in partnership with the Community, Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud, who was accompanied by other senior members of the Guyana Police Force, called on Essequibians to pay keen attention to what is going on in their various communities.Essequibians listening to Commissioner of Police Seelall PersaudThe Top Cop reminded Essequibians that creating the avenue where people can be able to partner with the police is a key component to effectively address the issue of crime and creating solutions to that problem.Persaud explained that to date while there has been a significant reduction in crime, the police force continues to garner support from foreign entities. The current administration has been working tirelessly to “build capacity” within the police force and the Criminal Investigation Department.The Police Commissioner said that he and his subordinates have a service to provide to the society and as such the populace needs to know what the police are doing. Persaud said that feedbacks, public discourses and interaction are vital. They can lend to the transformation of the force into a professional body.“We would only benefit from collective thinking.”The Top Cop said that the force continues to expand. Training and the recruitment of some 1500 hundred trainee police officers are on stream.Minibus and Hire car Association Secretary, Naith Ram, during his interaction with Persaud, identified a lot of things. He spoke of unsolved crimes, vehicles that are sometimes parked complacently on the road, drivers being allowed to use excessive tint on their vehicles and in some cases, the police misusing private vehicles.Another resident raised the sore issue of stray animals and how destructive they can be to people, vehicles and farms.The Commissioner addressed most of the concerns. In some cases he asked the head of “G” Division,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, Kevin Adonis, to deal with some of the concerns of the people who live in his district.The interaction with senior members of the Guyana Police Force attracted an overwhelming response by Essequibians. (Yannason Duncan)

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