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發表於 2017-7-3 18:29:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Dale Andrews I almost felt like the Internal Auditor of the National Drainage and Irrigation Board when I read a police response to an article that I wrote two Sundays ago.The internal auditor was sternly reprimanded for exposing just what he is being paid to expose.The article I wrote spoke of the paucity of the Police to solve execution-style murders, and like the auditor, I was attacked by the Guyana Police Force, who failed to see the message that was being conveyed.Maybe the reference to them being security guards hit the nail on the head. The fact that it took them almost two weeks to respond suggests that the hierarchy of the Force took pains to craft their response,Jared Cook Packers Jersey UK, in the same way they would attempt to provide answers to the searching questions that I would pose to them from time to time.In its response the Guyana Police Force showed its hand when it stated that it is of the view that “it is articles such as these, reporters such as Dale Andrews, and elements of the Editor’s behaviour that created the perception in many that the Kaieteur News has degenerated into a Tabloid.”Crime Chief Seelall Persaud and Commissioner of Police (acting) Leroy BrumellI searched the internet and the description of a tabloid was given as “small newspaper with short articles: a small-format popular newspaper with a simple style, many photographs, and sometimes an emphasis on sensational stories…”The Oxford dictionary described it as “a newspaper… popular in style with easily assimilable news and features, bold headlines large photographs and pages half the size of those of the average broadsheet.”Is anything wrong with this?Then the police went on to point out that articles published in this newspaper display dishonesty, and reporters hide behind anonymous sources to publish inaccurate information.Tell that to the “Boss” of the Police Force, who last week virtually begged this newspaper to publish the headline that he was being fully supported by the Commissioner of Police and may I dare add, the entire Guyana Police Force.Like any other newspaper, the Kaieteur News has at its disposal, as described by the Police in their response, “a battery of high priced lawyers to represent the management should they be subject to litigation.”But getting to the crux of the matter the Police referred to two related excerpts from my article upon which they said “a gamut of unprofessional behaviour premise.”One was “The record will show that the Police can only boast of solving clear cut murders and robberies” and the other “We have never solved any execution style killing in this country… said a Police Officer.”According to the police had “Dale Andrews wanted to use the Police records, he could have requested that of the Police. Same is readily available at the CID Headquarters.  However, those records would not have supported his sensational headline and therefore he resorted to an anonymous “Police Source”, whom the Force is of the opinion does not exist,Ernie Stautner Steelers Jersey UK, to peddle his misinformation.”This is a misrepresentation that is being peddled by the Guyana Police Force ever so often.To say that the Criminal Investigation Department has information readily available is the biggest insult to my integrity as a journalist.For one, Crime Chief Mr. Seelall Persaud, for whom I have great respect, is refusing to speak to this newspaper when matters of interest to the nation is put to him by me, claiming that he was “misquoted” by another journalist attached to this newspaper. So much for professionalism!The Commissioner of Police (Acting) Leroy Brumell, with whom I also have a good relationship,Rod Woodson Steelers Jersey UK, is hardly ever available for comment.I do not have to tell readers that since his assent to his present position, he has never held a press conference, despite the pressing matters that are engaging the society in terms of criminal activities.Despite my constant queries, to date the Police cannot even tell us if they have been able to match the shells recovered from the last two execution style killings in the face of evidence that suggests that they are linked.  There is your readily available information from the police Criminal Investigations Department.Every month, the police release statistics on criminal activity. I recently attended a United Nations Development Programme Workshop,Nick Perry Packers Jersey UK, and one of the facilitators, the learned Professor Anthony Harriot, the lead author of the Caribbean Human Development Report 2012, disclosed that police statistics are only 20 percent of the crimes committed.I say this because journalists like myself, are never given the opportunity to question the statistics released by the police.My queries are usually met with “the statistics speak for itself.”Then the police launched an attack on my editors when it stated in its release, “It may be prudent, therefore, Mr. Editor of Kaieteur News,New England Patriots Jerseys UK, not to focus only on what the Commissioner and the Crime Chief are presiding over,Javon Hargrave Steelers Jersey UK, but also, what you and your management are presiding over.”I will leave the response to that statement to those it is directed to.Referring specifically to execution-style murders, the Force said that between 2008 and present, there were 38 execution-style murders.“The Police have so far laid charges in relation to 10 of those and are on the verge of completing investigations in two others in which charges are likely.  Those two do (sic) not include the “Lindo Creek” Murders, the investigations into which have been completed and the file submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions for advice.”Taking this information without question,Stephen Gostkowski Patriots Jersey UK, 12 out of 38 is certainly not something to shout about and it certainly is not instilling confidence in the populace. The Police can do the survey if they want to.Figures from the UNDP Caribbean Human Development Report indicate that Guyanese have very little confidence in their police force when it comes to crime solving and prevention.It is instructive to note that Jamaica with all its publicized gang related killings rank higher than Guyana in terms of confidence in the Police.Of the 10 incidents in which they have laid charges,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey UK, the police boast of charging persons for the Lusignan and Bartica massacres among others.But can we classify these as execution style killings?While the police have never publicly identified a motive for what occurred at Lusignan, the massacre at Bartica was clearly a massive robbery.Most if not all executions have a mastermind,Julio Jones Falcons Jersey UK, who orders the “hit”.When the police want to talk about solving an execution style murder, they must bring the masterminds to justice and not just the persons who pull the trigger. If this continues, the masterminds will still be around to order more executions as is probably the case at the moment.Why must we believe that because the police have charged a person that the crime has been solved?Is it not the police who issue big wanted bulletins for people, besmirching their character and then releasing them without charge?Is this the type of investigation that our police force is proud of?The police have phone tapping capabilities, why not use them for criminal activities instead of against political opponents of the government?Maybe the Force should stop being security guards and engage in a course not only on proper investigations but in public relations to preserve its tattered image that continues its downward spiral, execution after execution.

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