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發表於 2017-7-4 01:22:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Zena HenryThe Alliance for Change (AFC) has asked the current administration to come clean and reveal the relocation plans slated for residents of Timehri North. Government has indicated that the residents will be relocated to facilitate the $130M Cheddi Jagan International Airport expansion project.AFC Leader Khemraj RamjattanDespite numerous statements,Johnny Unitas Colts Jersey, specifically by Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn,Steve McNair Titans Jersey, that Government officials were in talks with the Timehri residents (squatters),Patrick Willis 49ers Jersey, there has been no official word on the relocation arrangements, and the residents insist that the claim of talks with the community was untrue and misleading.AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan said that coupled with other discrepancies coming out of the airport expansion project, the situation is suspicious. He cited “the questionable background of the Chinese contractor” in relation to a World Bank ban placed on the organization for corruption.“We find that the project is very suspicious. It has a huge amount of characteristics about it.”Ramjattan reiterated the parliamentary opposition’s position to have the details of the airport project aired in the House for scrutiny.“The whole project ought to be brought to the attention of parliament so we can see both the socio-economic impact assessment it will have and the actual capacities of the contractors since they were blacklisted by World Bank officials.”Ramjattan proposed to the Government that until the project is actually brought to parliament,Tom Waddle Bears Jersey, all details concerning the airport expansion and the relocation plans for residents must be delivered.“Until the project is brought to parliament for parliamentarians to scrutinize the entire project – like we are going to bring a motion in parliament for the scrutiny of the Marriott project – we need to see that one coming forth from the Government.”The AFC leader noted that his party is “in full support” of the Timehri residents in ensuring that they retain their existing properties. He however said that if the construction, rehabilitation and expansion work is fulfilled,Brett Favre Vikings Jersey, “There must be what is called a full appreciation of those who will be affected, and there must be qualitatively identical homes given to residents in the Government’s displacement plan.”The AFC also stressed its position in relation to the residents, “One,Deion Sanders 49ers Jersey, it must be determined if the residents moving is necessary. Two, a full assessment must be done in relation to those affected.” This,Patrick Kerney Seahawks Jersey, the party said, includes not only persons’ homes; but livestock,Ron Jaworski Eagles Jersey, plants and business places.The AFC concluded that the Government has plans and has signed a major deal pertaining to the airport,Dermontti Dawson Steelers Jersey, but has not made it clear to the nation the details of the deal and the related programme. The party called on the administration to “be responsible and handle the Timehri situation correctly”.

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