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發表於 2017-7-4 01:22:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Women’s bloodied bodies found in kitchen, under treeTwo female residents of Smythfield in New Amsterdam were brutally killed early yesterday morning.Detectives of Division ‘B’ of the Guyana Police Force are still trying to put the pieces together to determine what could have led to the horrific deaths of these women.Three persons who are said to be alliances of the women have been taken into custody.Dead are 25-year-old Nekecia Rouse,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, called ‘Nicky,Wholesale Jerseys,’ and 18-year-old Alexis Keshia Charles.Details are somewhat sketchy, but persons close to the victims say that they are at a loss trying to figure out who could have wanted the two young women dead. “They were friendly girls.”Friends of Nekecia claimed that she was out partying on Valentine’s Night, and got home some time close to 04:00 hours yesterday.The bodies of Nekicia Rouse (left) and Alexis Charles being taken awayNekecia used to teach Phonics at the All Saints Scots School in New Amsterdam, and also worked with a popular hair dressing salon in the town. She was the mother of a four-year-old daughter, Crystal.Alexis was said to be the girlfriend of Nekecia’s brother. She had a two-year-old child, Delcie, by him.The child’s father is reportedly living in Trinidad. The two young women and their children lived with Nekecia’s mother, June Joseph.It appears as though,Cheap Jerseys From China, at the time of the incident, Alexis was home alone with the two children.Reports indicate that June Joseph left home sometime during the night for work as a security guard.She told Kaieteur News that, at around 06:45 hours, she got a call on her mobile phone. “My sister call me and tell me that me daughter-in-law get chop up. I start calling Nicky’s (Nekecia) phone and it just ringing out,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, not knowing she did dead, too.”Moments later, she arrived home to be greeted by detectives and a large crowd. “When I open the door and go in, we see Nicky dead.”Prior to that, at 05:20 hours, the woman said, she received a suspicious call from a mobile phone number. The caller had enquired of her daughter’s whereabouts.A relative who requested anonymity explained that, close to 07:00hours, a neighbour who lives a few houses away discovered the body of Alexis under a tree at the back of her yard.The relative related,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, “Was about 6:30 or quarter to seven when I hear the screaming. When I peep out, I hear them saying, ‘Alexis get juk up’. So I come out of me house and go on the road. I saw her behind the house crump up and everybody saying she dead. She had a big gash on she leg.”The relative recalled that when she went to the scene of the crime, the police ranks were trying to gain entry to the girl’s home. “Same time she (June Joseph) come home and open the door. The two lil children been in the house alone with Nicky’s body. “Crystal was walking in the verandah…then we see June shaking the baby. We thought the baby was dead. June just deh hollering. Then after we see Nicky lying dead in the kitchen…She had blood on she clothes, she whole stomach had blood.”Another person close to the family said that Nekecia’s head was bracing a wall in the kitchen and blood was all around her body when it was found.The house in which the victims livedThe house was sealed, and some believe that this could have been the reason no one heard anything unusual. A woman remarked, “They had to be hollering down in the house, but nobody couldn’t hear nothing. “Somebody say they hear when the front door slam, but they didn’t know what was happening. So it seem like when Alexis get juk up in the house, she run out of the house and slam the door trying to get away.“She run over the road,Bobby Orr Jersey, then she collapse under the tree. We ain’t really know what happen…But whatever it was, it happen right in the house, the verandah door did open and dem poor two lil children must be see everything.”According to police reports, there is nothing to suggest that robbery could have been the motive, but detectives are looking at all angles and have not ruled out that possibility.No murder weapon was recovered from the crime scene.Police reports further indicated that Alexis sustained wounds to the left side of the neck, the left hand and left foot. Nekecia’s body had wounds on the left side of the neck, left ear and right shoulder.According to reports, it is still not clear what time the incident occurred. However, police believe that the incident took place in the house, since there were blood stains in various parts of the kitchen,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, leading to the front door, as well as on the front steps and in the yard.

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