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發表於 2017-7-4 04:24:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…launches fully solar- powered building By Rehanna Ramsay “I do not sleep to dream but dream to change the world,” are the words of famed Guyanese poet, Martin Carter; a phrase which proves true for local entrepreneurs, William Andrew Boyle and his wife, Dr. Karen Boyle.Third from left: CEO of EML William Andrew Boyle, First Lady Sandra Granger, President David Granger, Dr. David Singh and Dr. Karen Boyle seated with guests at the launch.The Boyles are the visionaries behind Eureka Medical Laboratory (EML); a modernised lab facility founded some 21 years ago.On Saturday, the couple unveiled the first solar-powered lab facility at Thomas Street, North Cummingsburg Georgetown.  The Boyles thanked family, friends those present and especially praised the EML team of innovative lab technologists, bio medical engineers and other professionals for their efforts in helping the company attain the feat.Mr. Boyle, a Microbiologist, and his wife,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, a Medical Doctor, established the entity in 1995 with only two staff members. Back then, the lab offered a limited range of tests, most of which were conducted manually.Throughout the years, EML has developed a reputation as a pioneer in the field of medical technology and laboratory testing.The company recently became the first medical laboratory in Guyana to be internationally accredited.Eureka acquired international accreditation to conduct testing and medical research from the Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation.Eureka’s accreditation by the ISO boosts the company’s recognition of the quality services countrywide and globally.Several dignitaries were in attendance at the ceremonial launch of EML’s new facility. They were Head of State David Granger, First Lady Sandra Granger, Minister of Health, Dr. George Norton and Representative of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Dr. David Singh.The Head of State lauded EML for its accomplishments. He noted the importance of the green energy to both the public and private sectors.President Granger noted the radiation levels in Guyana are sufficiently high to promote the development of amassive solar farm in addition to hydro-power from more than 100 sites, biomass cooking gas and wind energy.President Granger said that he will be lobbying stakeholders in United States to support Guyana’s green initiative at the upcoming US-Caribbean-Central American Energy Summit in Washington DC.“I hope to advance discussions with officials and private sector parties on securing the necessary financing and technologies to help Guyana tap into the unquestionable renewable energy sources,” he said.Also speaking about the solar-powered building, Dr. Singh described EML as a wonderful example of how the private sector can respond as responsible citizens and good corporate partners to assist the nation in meeting the goal of a green economy.Minister of Public Health, Dr. Norton, congratulated the company on its series of firsts.  Dr. Norton noted that not only is EML the first laboratory to achieve international certification and establish the first fully solar-powered building but the lab was the first to introduce DNA testing and most recently, Ancestry DNA testing of which the President was a beneficiary.Dr. Norton said that EML’s accomplishment is the epitome of renowned Guyanese poet’s famous words.Dr. Norton said that importance of adequate and professional laboratory work cannot be “over emphasised,” since this field of work helps with the early detection in the combat of diseases.He encouraged those gathered at the ceremony to be inspired by the Boyles and to pursue their dreams with helping Guyana build a brighter future.

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