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NFL Jerseys Cheap and Administrator for Youth Movement Guyana









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發表於 2017-7-4 06:27:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With General and Regional elections less than three weeks away, executive members of local youth organisations have said that local political parties feared the power the youths have in determining the next(Left to right) Head of Communications for the Guyana National Youth Council (GNYC) Francis Bailey, Administrator for Youth Movement Guyana and Robin Singh, and Chairman of Blue Caps,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Michael Leonardgovernment.The common assertion was made during the radio programme “Hard Talk” which was broadcast on Sunday. The show featured Chairman of Blue Caps,Cheap Jerseys From China, Michael Leonard; Head of Communications for the Guyana National Youth Council (GNYC) Francis Bailey; and Administrator for Youth Movement Guyana, Robin Singh.During the hour-long interview, each youth representative asserted that the increased knowledge among youths on issues affecting the country was becoming of concern to political parties.“The problem right now with the political parties, is that youths are more engaged; they are more exposed,” Leonard said. “There’s a fear of information and I believe that it’s probably on both sides.”He added that with the advent of modern technology, things happening around the country are more easily shared with the public. Sometimes this happens in mere minutes,China Jerseys Cheap, he said. “That wasn’t possible years ago and that is the situation all around,” he added.He said that discussion is constantly ongoing within groups and these discussions are not only inter-group but inter-race. These discussions, Leonard said, are “changing the way young people approach their voting”.“They’re not just voting based on what they would have done before, or what they’re parents would have said. They are now thinking, ‘Hey, maybe I should consider X because X is promising to actually deal with the problems at UG and that is important to me.’”Similarly, Bailey opined that the fear shown by political parties was them sensing the changing of the status quo.“What is happening with this generation here is that we’re challenging the status quo and we’re putting our weight behind no more business as usual,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey,” Bailey said. He continued, “Youths are starting to think; we are not blindly being led…we are drawing based on consensus. We’re doing things differently. That must challenge the status quo and that’s where the fear comes from.”Leonard added, “They fear the collective political power of the youth. The youths combine really have a lot that can influence the outcome of the elections.”Furthermore, the youth representatives admitted that they had come under attack and had all been accused of having political affiliations. These accusations were leveled from both the opposition and the government, they said.Francis explained that both the GNYC and the Blue Caps were labeled as “pro-opposition” youth groups. Singh said that his group was often labeled as “pro-government”.When questioned whether they are forced to temper their perspectives, Bailey said that he did not believe they were being forced to modify their political views. However, he said, Guyana’s socio-economic environment caused many people to feel hesitant to air views because “it’s so common to be attacked, victimized, lose your job and threatened, for even expressing an opinion.”Singh added, “In my case,NFL Jerseys China Online, I ask a lot of questions of the opposition and right away people say I must be PPP. The fact is that the PPP has been there for 23 years; I have no questions left. This is their track record and nothing they can tell me now can change my perception of them. So the people who want your vote, you ask them the questions.”The men emphasised that the main issue is holding people accountable, regardless of which political party they were aligned to. “That means if the government were to change tomorrow and the opposition was to take up position, that doesn’t mean the issues go away,” Bailey said.This publication has been reliably informed that the Youth Movement Guyana under Mr. Robin Singh,Fernando Rodney Jersey, has endorsed the People’s Progressive Party.

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