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發表於 2017-7-4 11:24:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two Brazilians, Evilayaro Costa Mangabeira, 19, and his brother,Jerseys NFL China, Evandro Costa Mangabeira, 15,Authentic Jerseys Sale, yesterday appeared before acting Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer to the charge of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.They were provided with an interpreter. Both of the accused through their interpreter declared their innocence of the charge.According to information provided to the court, on March 20,Custom Raptors Jersey, at Takutu Bridge, Lethem, the police that were on a mobile patrol apprehend the two accused with the illicit substance on their person.It was further alleged that on the day of the incident sometime around 13:20 hours, lawmen observed the two teenagers as they were approaching the said bridge.Hence they were confronted and lawmen took possession of a black haversack,Cheap Jerseys Online, the number one accused Evilayaro had,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, and carries out a search.That two black plastic bags stashed in the said haversack were found containing leaves, seeds and stems suspected to be that of marijuana.The ranks then arrested both accused and escorted then to the police station. At the station,Throwback Jerseys, the substance was tested and weighed in the presence of the two teens. The substance was found to be marijuana and weighed 794 grams.The present charge was instituted and they were placed in custody.Through their interpreter, the number one accused told the court that he and his brother were spending some time by a close relative in Lethem. While there,Jerseys Cheap NFL, he was contacted by a friend who requested that he collect the said haversack.He told the interpreter that he had no knowledge that it was marijuana he was carrying because the packages were sealed. It was then that the police made the bust.The court was made to understand that two accused upon their arrest admitted to the offence.Police prosecutor, Inspector Stephen Telford, objected to bail.Magistrate Beharry refused bail and transferred the matter to the Lethem Magistrate’s Court for June 17.

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