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發表於 2017-7-4 11:44:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Medical technologies save lives, improve health and contribute to sustainable healthcare. These technologies are developed and produced to offer people the option of a healthier lifestyle.This was disclosed by President of STARR Computer Inc.,Howie Kendrick Jersey, Michael Mohan,Atlanta Braves Bartolo Colon Jersey, during a Medical Technology Seminar hosted recently at the company’s head office for students of the Texila American University.Mohan explained that innovative medical technology is an increasingly important driver for delivering efficiencies in healthcare systems.Adding that the shift from in-patient to out-patient care provides substantial cost savings, as well as improving quality of life, Mohan underscored that the value of these increased technological efficiencies cannot be overstated.In one of his many examples, Mohan noted that three-dimensional (3D) printing has generated a swell of interest in artificial organs meant to replace,Matt Joyce Jersey, or even enhance, human machinery.He explained that scientists are looking ahead to radical emerging technologies that use live cells as ‘ink’,New York Yankees Matt Holliday Jersey, assembling them layer-by-layer into rudimentary tissues.Meanwhile, Mohan emphasized that the breakthroughs in information gathering,Minnesota Twins Ryan Vogelsong Jersey, research, treatments, and communications have given medical providers new tools to work with and fresh ways to practice medicine.In noting the benefits, Mohan noted that the Internet has become a main source of medical information since healthcare facilities and providers are reaching patients using social media. This also adds to improved patient care and worker efficiency, resulting in doctors being easier to reach and better at their job.“It is important for them to understand some of the changes that are taking place with technology. Everything that we are doing right now in the medical field (using that technology); there is a group out there that is actually taking things to a next level.” Mohan further said.Underscoring one of the major medical advances, Mohan said that in the United States patients can use an implantable computer chip which is a secure database that holds a person’s medical information, including allergies and prior treatment. The electronic database,Brian McCann Jersey, not the chip,San Diego Padres Luis Sardinas Jersey, would be updated with each medical visit.Topics discussed included stem cells and stem cell research and its attendant benefits including Alzheimer’s treatment,Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Cameron Maybin Jersey, defective organ treatment, cancer treatment, spinal cord injury treatment and juvenile diabetes treatment.The medical students were also briefed on Renewable Energy. They were given a field trip to the company’s Solar Showroom,Jamie Garcia Jersey, and, it’s Roof Garden for a demonstration of its Wind Turbine and Sun-tracking Solar Panel which fulfills majority of STARR Computer energy demands.

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