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Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey A John Street









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發表於 2017-7-4 12:03:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A John Street,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Werk-en-Rust businessman was yesterday attacked and robbed by two armed gunmen, but one of his attackers was fatally shot by Police ranks. The other is in custody.Reports are that the two gunmen pounced on businessman George Ramsarran, at around 13:25 hours, at his Royal Refrigeration business place, located at Lot 27 John Street,Artemi Panarin Jersey, Werk-en-Rust. This newspaper was told that George was confronted by the two men in the bottom flat of his premises, and was taken to the upper flat of the building.A source close to the Ramsarran family said that, at the time of the incident, there was another worker in the bottom flat but the gunmen did not see him. Kaieteur News was told that the gunmen then tied up Ramsarran and took him upstairs, where they proceeded to ransack the building looking for valuables.This newspaper understands that, while the gunmen were upstairs, they heard a rapping at the door and thought it was the Police.“After they heard the rapping on the door, they ran downstairs but then they saw it was a Banks DIH employee,” the source said. Reports are that the Banks DIH employee was also relieved of his valuables.The source added that the men escaped on foot with approximately $95,000 in cash, a wrist watch and a gold band. It is still not clear what the Banks DIH employee was relieved of.The source close to the family added that there was a robbery attempt the previous day.According to the source, on Monday, two young men went into the business place to price a compressor, but hadn’t any idea what a compressor looked like.However,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, when asked to point out the item they were looking for, an employee spotted a gun in one of the men’s pants waist. After not being able to identify the compressor, the men immediately left the business place.Yesterday, during the gunmen’s escape bid, they were chased by a Police mobile patrol that happened to be in the area and was alerted to the incident.After fleeing the John Street business place,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, the men ran into Bent Street and then into Lime Street, with the Police in hot pursuit. One of the men then reportedly began shooting in the direction of the Police.Reports are that,NBA Authentic Jerseys, at one point during the chase, the men tried taking away a bicycle from a man, but the man refused to hand over his bicycle.  Eyewitnesses said that, while heading toward Brickdam from Lime Street, the men were given a warning by the Police to surrender, which they ignored. It was at that point one of the gunmen was reportedly shot in his leg. Despite being wounded, eyewitnesses said, the gunman kept running and he was fatally shot. His accomplice, however, surrendered and was taken into custody to assist with investigations.A source close to the investigation told this newspaper that a 9mm pistol was found on the slain gunman, and the stolen items were recovered. The items,Throwback Jerseys, a Police statement noted, have since been positively identified by the robbery victim.

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