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發表於 2017-7-4 13:39:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Bids for contracts worth almost $400M, under the Ministry of Housing and Water, were yesterday opened at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) for the construction of roads, drains, structures and installation of pure water distribution network at Plantation Peters Hall, East Bank Demerara, and Plantation Zeelugt, East Bank Demerara.Regarding Peters Hall, the works were divided into four lots with the Engineers Estimate for Lot (1) $88,057,326; Lot (2) $53,226,671; Lot (3) $104,581,Le Veon Bell Steelers Jersey UK,138 and Lot (4) $54,487,460. The bids opened were:BiddersAmountCourtney Benn Contracting Services LimitedLot (1) $77,125,158Lot (2) $48,830,453Lot (3) $85,428,508Lot (4) $35,635,600Linden Holding Inc.Lot (1) $68,063,325Lot (2) $41,915,335Lot (3) $76,507,695Lot (4) $49,266,800Handel Garnett ConstructionLot (1) $79,572,801Lot (2) $48,983,363Lot (3) $91,084,279Lot (4) $41,925,400Shiraz Bacchus General ConstructionLot (1) $69,553,001Lot (2) $41,840,766Lot (3) $78,592,928Lot (4) $49,878,400Purans Brothers Disposal IncLot (1) $87,194,140Lot (2) $55,821,Ha Ha Clinton-Dix Packers Jersey UK,150Lot (3) $97,137,645Lot (4) $42,324,700Mohamed RahimLot (1) $94,828, 833Lot (2) $59,775,430Lot (3) $108,176,332Lot (4) $54,655,260K.B.&B. ContractorsLot (1) $85,360,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey UK,787Lot (2) $54,770,997Lot (3) $96,337,James White Patriots Jersey UK,109Lot (4) $18,106,550B&J Civil WorksLot (1) $85,960,496Lot (2) $33,150,966Lot (3) $96,350,596Lot (4) $41,467,360Colin Talbot Contracting ServicesLot (1) $79,520,078Lot (2) $44,440,107Lot (3) $92,338,561Lot (4) $44,830,720N. Latchman Business & EstablishmentLot (1) $88,291,689Lot (2) $54,808,000Lot (3) $108,597,863Lot (4) $68,622,400For similar works at Plantation Zeelugt (Phase 2), East Bank Essequibo, the Engineers Estimate was $100,377,340 with the bids opened:BiddersAmountCompustruct Engineering Inc.$107,833,055Eagle Transportation & General Construction$108,578,277Purans Brothers Disposal Inc.$85,929,030Colin Talbot Contracting Services$98,094,559Linden Holding Inc.$99,192,335Bids were also opened for the construction of a registration office of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) in Bartica, Region Seven.  The Engineers Estimate was $14,583,245 and the bids:BiddersAmountIvor Allen$14,149,994Horizon Electrical Associates & General Construction Company$18,949,465Atlas Construction Inc.$9,365,715G. Bovell Construction Services$13,974,900Troy Dainty Construction$10,870,421William F.N. Ferrell$11,071,400Project Design and Construction Inc.$9,687,195Dukchand Trading$14,260,795Another set of bids were also opened for a registration office of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) in Lethem,Tom Brady Patriots Jersey UK, Region Nine. The Engineers Estimate was $15, 414, 145 while the bids opened were:BiddersAmountIvor Allen$16,544,390Horizon Electrical Associates & General Construction Company$18,407,908G. Bovell Construction Services$14,580,900Project Design and Construction Inc.$11,Jack Lambert Steelers Jersey UK,086,Mohamed Sanu Sr Falcons Jersey UK,295Troy Dainty Construction$13,040,040William F.N Ferrell$15,446,100Atlas Construction Inc.$13,024,490Bids were also opened for another registration office GECOM office in Mahdia, Region Eight.The Engineers Estimate of $15,414,145. The bids opened were:BiddersAmountIvor Allen$16,570,090Horizon Electrical Associates & General Construction Company$18,776,370R.P. Construction Agency$14,894,481G. Bovell Construction Services$14,747,500Troy Dainty Construction$11,246,729Project Design and Construction Inc.$9,537,195Atlas Construction Inc.$10,212,721William F.N. Ferrell$11,637,000Meanwhile, under the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment,Javon Hargrave Steelers Jersey UK, a lone bid was opened at the NPTAB for the supply of two new Toyota vehicles. The bids are as follow:BiddersAmountBeharry  Automotive Ltd.$16,322,228The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development received bids for the procurement of office equipment Lot (1) Photocopier and Lot (2) Server. The bids are as follow:BiddersAmountAssociates Industries Ltd.Lot (1) $642,000Laparkan Trading Guyana LtdLot (1) $770,240CCS Guyana LtdLot 1&2 $1,255,071P.C. ShackLot (2) $760, 000Three bids were also opened for repairs to roads at Kuru Kuru Training Centre, Linden/Soesdyke Highway,Merril Hoge Steelers Jersey UK, under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.The engineers estimate is $1,870,000 and the bids were:BiddersAmountBholanauth Ramraj General Contracting$1,578,825Atlas Construction Inc.$1,715,425X.L. Engineering$1,250,000

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