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發表於 2017-7-4 15:33:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…Carberry calls it ‘height of eye-pass’Some sections of the political opposition have expressed disgust at the recent offer by the National Communications Network (NCN) to have five minutes air-time per week on radio or television.A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) spokesperson and Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) Executive Member Lance Carberry recently called the offer an eye-pass.The opposition parties are contending that they should have equal access to the State-owned television and radio stations while arguing that the PPP/C Government abuses the media to their own advantage.It was pointed out during this past week that what is even more appalling is the fact that the content of the five minute production has to be presented to be vetted 48 hours before its possible airing.“Is it not the height of eye-pass?” asked Carberry during the APNU press briefing this past week.In explaining his position, Carberry pointed out that the State owned media namely,Emmitt Smith Cowboys Throwback Jersey, ‘NCN (Radio/TV) and the Guyana Chronicle’ are being used on a daily basis by the PPP/C Government to peddle its propaganda and the opposition has no right to reply as there is no guarantee that it will be aired.“This is the media owned by people of Guyana,Brett Favre Packers Throwback Jersey,” he said adding that its management has the temerity to tell opposition parties that they will get five minutes air-time as if to demonstrate some fairness in its access.Desmond Trotman,MLB Throwback Jerseys, also of APNU,Shannon Sharpe Denver Broncos Throwback Jersey, urged that it must be recognized that the actions being perpetuated by the administration,Ray Bourque Bruins Throwback Jersey, such as the edict on CNS TV 6 and the five-minute offer by NCN are beginning to,Denver Broncos Throwback Jersey, “threaten the possibility of a free and fair election and an election that is free from fear.”According to Trotman,Bill Lee Red Sox Throwback Jersey, the offer is an insult to the political opposition and must be seen as a foundation being put in place to ensure that there is no free and fair election.“While NCNs administration is trying to make it look even-handed with five minutes,Michael Irvin Cowboys Throwback Jersey,” on a daily basis the PPP through the Government has access to the NCN.He warned also that the electorate and the populace at large must be very concerned with the recent developments in Guyana where the foundations for free and fair elections are being uprooted.Desmond Trotman (left) and Lance CarberryCarberry warned that the suspension of CNS TV 6 for four months must not be seen as something that has just happened,NHL Throwback Jerseys, but the continuation of a trend of events that commenced a while ago.He says that there is a deliberate attempt to deprive the political opposition from having their messages heard and, “we must be very candid about these things.”

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