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發表於 2017-7-4 15:35:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Presidential Candidate of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan has noted with amusement President Jagdeo’s latest decree on clearing the 132 scrap metal containers on the wharves awaiting permission to export.Presidential Candidate of AFC Khemraj RamjattanThe AFC presidential candidate deemed the move as political opportunism with total disregard for the intelligence of the Guyanese people.Ramjattan said that it must be recalled that on 8 July 2011,Larry Johnson Chiefs Throwback Jersey, the AFC picketed the Office of the Prime Minister to register its disapproval and grave concern with the Government’s ill-advised handling of the scrap metal workers and dealers’ plight.The AFC had asserted in July last, that the Guyana Metal Recyclers’ Association was willing to work with the Guyana Police Force in arresting and prosecuting those who ply the illegal non-ferrous metal trade as well as those who encourage and participate in the vandalism of public and private property in order to obtain ferrous scraps.Ramjattan said that with regard to the containers of scrap metal on the wharves, the AFC had recommended that upon a thorough inspection for non-ferrous metals,Scottie Pippen Bulls Throwback Jersey, they should be released forthwith.“When this was reported in the local press,John Elway Denver Broncos Throwback Jersey, Jagdeo in typical autocratic manner shunned this counsel. He effectively usurped the authority of the Prime Minister who was not allowed to pronounce on the issue.” Ramjattan said.He stated that it is quite amusing that with one month before the holding of elections,Denver Nuggets Throwback Jersey, Jagdeo has now decided to heed the advice of the AFC that was given to him four months ago.The AFC is calling on all stakeholders in the scrap metal trade not to be hoodwinked by such obvious electioneering.“The AFC wishes to reiterate that in 2010,Larry Csonka Dolphins Throwback Jersey, local scrap metal dealers,Johnny Unitas Colts Throwback Jersey, who are members of the Guyana Scrap Metal Dealers Association (GSMDA),Tony Dorsett Cowboys Throwback Jersey, asked the Ministry of Tourism,Cleveland Browns Throwback Jersey, Industry and Commerce to properly account for a sum in the region of US$1 million reportedly paid to it over a period of time to finance a monitoring unit to inspect scrap metal prior to export,Barry Sanders Lions Throwback Jersey,” Ramjattan noted.“This monitoring unit never functioned and so the unscrupulous were allowed to continue their nefarious activities while the genuine metal workers and dealers were left to suffer income losses amounting to millions of dollars.”

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