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The University of Guyana branch of the United Mini Bus Union yesterday embarked on a Clean Up Campaign in the Avenue of the Republic area where UG buses park.Doing their part: Some of the mini bus operators with Mayor Hamilton Green.According to a release, “the Union thought, in conjunction with the University branch,Wholesale China Jerseys, that there ought to be responsible persons that care for their surroundings and that they ought to play a proactive role to ensure a clean and sanitary work space.”Clean up started at 12:00 hrs and participants included UG bus drivers,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, male and female conductors, representatives from the University of Guyana Students’ Society and public spirited persons.The cleaning department of the Mayor and City Council provided a trailer to remove garbage and debris as well as a few tools while the Guyana Fire service volunteered to wash the area.Work spanned Avenue of the Republic up to what used to be known as Central Garage Building into Longden Street.This activity involved cleaning of drains using spades, shovels, forks and brooms used to sweep the parapets.“The hope is that the vendors and passersby that traverse the cleaned location would do their part in maintaining the hygienic conditions left by the workers at the end of this initiative.“Special mention is made of Joshua Griffith,Cheap NFL Jerseys, President of UGSS,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, who worked tirelessly to ensure the goal of this initiative was achieved,NCAA Hockey Jerseys,” the release added.The challenge set out by the UG buses is that this initiative would ignite other mini bus parks to strive toward continuous maintenance of their respective park areas.The President of the United Mini Bus Union advised other mini bus operators to take a page out of the Unions’ book and try to help themselves.The Union’s plan is to have this activity conducted on the last Sunday of every month from now on.“Notably,Jerseys Cheap NFL, the Chinese national that recently broke the windows of a UG bus has contributed to this venture. Also lending financial and tangible support were neighboring businesses – Dilip Variety Store, Lucky Star,Bobby Orr Jersey, Honey Variety, Mohammed’s Cambio – and UGSS.”

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