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Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey called Andrew









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發表於 2017-7-5 02:14:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The voir dire has concluded and the main trial has resumed in the Black Bush murder in which 23-year-old Satrohan Mannaru, called Andrew,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, of Mibicuri South, Black Bush Polder, is being tried before Justice Dawn Gregory and a mixed jury in the Berbice High Court.Mannaru is accused of killing his 14-year-old ex-girlfriend Indranie ‘Cynthia’ Basdeo, of 74 Mibicuri South, Black Bush Polder, on Friday 7th October 2011.Justice Gregory made her ruling yesterday and Detective Assistant Superintendent Gary McAllister is expected to continue his evidence before the Jury. It was during Mc Allister’s testimony that defence attorney,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, Senior Counsel Mr. Bernard De Santos who is in association with attorney at law Pamela De Santos raised certain objections, thus necessitating the voir dire which began last Wednesday.Victim: Indranie BasdeoIn the meanwhile,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, when the matter continued yesterday the court accommodated Government Pathologist Dr Vivekanand Brijmohanto give his testimony. He was led in his evidence by Prosecutor and Attorney-at-Law Renita Singh.Dr Brijmohan, in his evidence, described the wound that caused Basdeo’s death as being an incise wound, three centimeters long, to the lower chest wall. He stated that it exited between the fourth and fifth left rib, cutting the upper left lobe of the lung which collapsed.Basdeo, of Mibicuri South,NBA Authentic Jerseys, Black Bush Polder was brutally murdered at the Mibicuri School Ground, where school sports were being held. She was fatally stabbed under her left breast. The girl was an ex student of the school.In her opening address,Cheap Jerseys From China, State Prosecutor Renita Singh had stated that on the day in question the girl had made arrangements with her sister and brother in law to attend the school sports.It was at the school sports that they noticed the accused grab the teen. It was during that time she allegedly was stabbed. Mannaru had a knife in his hand and the teenager was seen bleeding. The girl was picked up and rushed to the New Amsterdam hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival.Among the witnesses called so far are the girl’s father Mahase Basdeo, her mother Gomattie Latchman, Detective Corporal Andrew Ward,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, Police Constable Maxton Semple , her sister Tulseidai Basdeo and her brother in law Arnold Reddy.The matter is continuing.

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