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– suspect’s mother claims son acted in self-defencePolice are said to be awaiting a medical report as they continue investigations into the circumstances surrounding the stabbing and beating of 15-year-old Robert Daniels at the Tutorial High School.Reports reaching Kaieteur News indicate that the accused student may be charged.Officials from the Ministry of Education’s Welfare Department are also investigating the incident, which occurred last Friday.Robert DanielsDaniels was stabbed with an ice-pick and struck on the head with a piece of wood last Friday during an altercation with another student. He was admitted to hospital for observation but has since been released.A student who said he witnessed the attack said the incident stemmed from another altercation that a friend of the attacker had with a cousin of the victim.The mother of the accused student admitted that her son struck Daniels with a piece of wood. However,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, she denied that the lad stabbed Daniels,Authentic Jerseys Sale, and claimed that the puncture injuries on his back were made by a nail which was embedded in the wood with which Daniels was struck.The injured lad had received four puncture wounds to his back.The suspect’s mother said her son alleged that he was at the back of the school auditorium when someone struck him on the neck with a piece of wire. She claimed that her son then went to the doorway,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, where Daniels confronted him and began to push her son.According to the woman,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, her son attempted to run away but was pursued.  She claimed that a scuffle ensued during which Daniels “received a few lashes,” before other students intervened.The woman confirmed that her son was detained briefly at the Alberttown Police Station. She said that she had tried to speak to the injured lad’s mother at the GPHC but denied searching in the ward for the injured boy.But another student said he and Daniels were going up a stairway at around 14:00 hrs on Friday when the suspect,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, who was on the stairs,Wholesale China Jerseys, began to taunt Daniels.The accused student allegedly then drew an ice-pick and stabbed Daniels in the back. He said that Daniels tried to escape but fell and his assailant stabbed him again.He alleged that Daniels’ attacker then struck him in the head with a piece of wood before fleeing.Daniels was taken to the principal’s office before being admitted to the GPHC.

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