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By 2015, the Ministry of Health hopes to have a significant reduction in cervical cancer.Currently, cervical cancer is a major public health problem in Guyana,Louis Lipps Steelers Jersey UK, because it is in the top three cause of cancer in the world while it is the number two cancer for women in the country.Minister of Health,Tony Gonzalez Falcons Jersey UK, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, said that in combination with the HPV testing which would be introduced in 2010,Grady Jarrett  Falcons Jersey UK, at the National Reference Laboratory and HPV vaccine, the Health Ministry hopes to make cervical cancer a minor public health problem in Guyana by 2015.“So we intend to drop it out from those high profile spaces that it occupies at this time,Pittsburgh Steelers Jersey UK,” Dr. Ramsammy said.He explained that Guyana is improving its health system and knows which areas need more attention and investment.Each year, globally, approximately 500,000 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed, and 250,000 women die from the disease. More than 80 per cent of these deaths occur in developing countries.As a result of competing health priorities,Ross Cockrell Steelers Jersey UK, many governments in low-resource countries may not have adequate funding to introduce, expand or improve their current programmes for cervical cancer prevention and treatment.It has become increasingly important to engage the private sector in partnerships with the government to provide support for these programmes,Eric Rowe Patriots Jersey UK, Dr Ramsammy said.At present,Green Bay Packers Jersey UK, the Health Ministry is collaborating with Jhpiego’s Cervical Cancer Prevention Programme (CECAP) to implement and support cervical cancer prevention programmes in a number of communities.Guyana is known to have one of the highest rates of cervical cancer but over the past few months,Aaron Rodgers Packers Jersey UK, the Health Ministry has deepened its collaboration with Jhpiego to have local providers trained in screening for cervical cancer.At present, 13 providers from various sites across the country have been trained.The main screening and treatment site has been set up at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC),Taylor Gabriel Falcons Jersey UK, while other sites are based at the Campbellville Health Centre, New Amsterdam Hospital, St Joseph’s Mercy Hospital and the Dorothy Bailey Health Centre.

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