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[香港大學] Pat Tillman Cardinals Jersey npduu003









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發表於 2017-7-5 10:09:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Seventeen-year-old Quacy Sam, of Second Street, Silvertown, Wismar,Ray Nitschke Packers Throwback Jersey, Linden, is a patient at the Linden Hospital Complex,Atlanta Braves Throwback Jersey, where he was yesterday admitted after a vicious cutlass attack by another youth in the community.Sam said he was walking along the road with two other friends when his assailant and his brother started to taunt them by calling them names. According to Sam, he ignored the youths,Brian Urlacher Bears Throwback Jersey, which seemed to anger one of them,John Havlicek Celtics Throwback Jersey, who collected the cutlass from the other one and ran out on the road and started to broadside him with the cutlass. “Is bar I de trying foh bar when he chop me pon me hand.”Kevon Sandiford, a friend of Quacy Sam, who was with him when the incident occurred, said that eyewitnesses in the area claimed to have seen the attacker sharpening a cutlass earlier in the day.When the three friends were approaching the area where the assailant was, he was heard telling his brother,Deion Sanders Cowboys Throwback Jersey, “Jermaine bring the cutlass!”Sam’s mother,Richard Dent Bears Throwback Jersey, Brenda Garraway, said that she was in the vicinity of the Wismar Post Office when somebody called and said, “Brenda come quick (name given) just chop yo son’’.The woman said that she immediately left to go and see what was happening. By then, people had already converged on the scene.Garraway subsequently went to the police station and made a report,Barry Sanders Lions Throwback Jersey, and was immediately escorted to the Linden Hospital Complex with her son, who had to undergo emergency surgery.Quacy Thom is a student of the Wisburg Annexe on Burnham Drive,Dallas Cowboys Throwback Jersey, while his assailant is said to be an employee at Barama.Only last Friday another young man was viciously stabbed by three youths said to be a gang in the Amelia’s Ward area.Two of the gang members were subsequently held by the police, but the other attacker is still at large.Quite recently there has been an upsurge of gang violence in the community,Roger Staubach Cowboys Throwback Jersey, and persons are complaining bitterly of the police apparent inability to put a handle on the situation.

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