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發表於 2017-7-5 12:26:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– GPL workers stage protest to oppose 2% wage increaseWorkers from the Guyana Power and Light (GPL),Arian Foster Dolphins Jersey, Transmission and Distribution Department, an important aspect of the company,Wes Hopkins Eagles Jersey, yesterday staged a striking action in front of GPL’s office on Main Street,Mike Quick Eagles Jersey, Georgetown.Workers striking yesterday.The reason for the strike was because the company had notified the workers that their wages would only be increased by two per cent. This, according to the workers, is not acceptable and they would not stand for it.This striking comes at a time when Guyanese would need electricity the most. According to a National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE) Union representative,Reggie White Eagles Jersey, persons can expect a black Christmas if nothing is resolved. The workers would not be working until the matter is resolved.Ceon Morgan, one of the union representatives,Craig Mager Chargers Jersey, said, “The transmission and distribution section is the backbone of the company because any operation that has to be done by the transmission and distribution workers such as when poles fall down is critical. We are the people who have to put it back in operation and ensure power is restored”.The workers said that the company wants to increase labour hours for the same amount of money. Negotiations by NAACIE were for the workers to have a 15% increase of their salaries. The increases sought were decreased to 11% and later to 8%.Workers were told that GPL is reportedly only inclined to allow a two per cent raise. This,Brent Celek Eagles Jersey, according to the workers,Billy Turner Dolphins Jersey, is very unreasonable. The workers are fed up with being treated in this way; as such this is the main reason for the strike.“What we get is what we work for”, the workers said. The workers reported that the Management promised to pay them a competitive wage increase. How is two per cent a competitive wage increase,Lane Johnson Eagles Jersey, they questioned.They are the ones that manage the national power grid on a 24-hour basis. They said that the increase does not cater for the increased cost of living.Workers from West Berbice joined the workers on Main Street yesterday saying that it is really ridiculous for GPL to only give them a two per cent wage increase.The workers are calling on the relevant authorities to intervene on their behalf.According to NAACIE President,Byron Maxwell Dolphins Jersey, Kenneth Joseph, “Whenever the workers feel to stop the strike, it is their decision. It is not a strike that the union called; it was the workers who took matters into their own hands”.

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