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發表於 2017-7-5 12:32:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Rehanna Ramsay It’s almost here again, that special date that women look forward to all year; that occasion that makes them happy because it means getting gifts from that ‘special someone’ in their lives.For most women, the gifts and overall treatment they receive on Valentine’s Day is the yardstick used to measure the degree of love that their significant other has for them. It’s one occasion which if a man dares forget, he may never be forgiven for .After all, it’s the day that embodies and personifies romance, love and affection; everything a woman likes to experience.And like with everything else, it seems like there has been an evolution with regards to this day.No longer are the simple Valentine Day’s symbols such as flowers, greeting cards and confectionary enough. Women seem to expect expensive technologically advanced presents accompanying the customary  chocolates and flowers.Hence,Branden Oliver Chargers Jersey, local businesses are set to make huge earnings on the upcoming ‘celebration of love.’ Almost every store front in Georgetown is decorated with items of red and white, offering bargains encouraging customers to stop and shop.However whilst the day is supposed to be an open show of affection to and by both parties, it’s no secret that the expectations are not identical.Whilst we know women expect a lot, what really are the expectations of men on this day? Are they being cornered into giving more than they are comfortable with?Kaieteur News spoke to men from different spheres of society to get their perspective on the upcoming occasion.Randy John is a young businessman who has been married for three years. He expressed that it is a pleasure to showcase his affection for his spouse on Valentine’s Day.“The anxiety of getting your lady/girlfriend/wife something she actually likes is sometimes overwhelming, we spend more money our female counterparts than they spend on us and we still have to ensure that they like it.”“Sure, it’s a fine opportunity to show just how much we care about them; to smother them with tokens of affection,Kenyan Drake Dolphins Jersey, but to many people, it’s also a commercialized, soul-sucking sham of a holiday that stings us,Brandon Graham Eagles Jersey, each year. Sometimes we (men) are so busy we forget about the whole event until we start seeing red and white everywhere” he added.Meanwhile, Joshua, an ardent believer in God posited that he believes that men do not need to wait until Valentine’s Day to show that ‘special someone’ in their lives that they love them.“Although some may argue the origin of the celebration,Drew Kaser Chargers Jersey, the history of Valentine’s Day, as told by some,Chuck Bednarik Eagles Jersey, is that a priest named Valentine, had a disagreement with a Roman Emperor for performing secret marriages for young soldiers who were forbidden by the Emperor to engage in holy matrimony. The Emperor had outlawed marriage for young soldiers,Ryan Carrethers Chargers Jersey, because he believed that unmarried men made stronger more efficient warriors. The Emperor later beheaded the priest who became known as Saint Valentine.”“In this regard, I believe we must show love and appreciation for our partners every day, by the sacrifices we make in one way or another, so that buying of gifts and telling your special lady that you love her on Valentine’s Day will be just another means of keeping the fire in your relationship.”Kaieteur News journalist, Rabindra Rooplall  holds the view  that Valentine’s Day is a day men should dedicate to prove their love and affection to their female companions.“It is another day for women to have their way and be pampered. For many men it can be considered expensive based on their investments in gifts, lunch, dinner or expensive jewelry. However, based on the popular scenario, many men will be diving deep into their wallets wondering what would be something pleasant for their beloved. Many women don’t ask for much, they just need time and attention with affectionate conversations. The event has now blossomed into a profitable venture and a billion dollar business worldwide and men are funding this directly, the most profitable Valentine’s Day items are chocolate, cards and flowers.”“It would be interesting to tally up a decade of expenditure and ask women if it was a wise investment, since love, care and affection which symbolise the event are free. If the shoe was on the other foot I am sure men would have preferred women to spend only money on lingerie and it would be a memorable occasion, or better yet,  just a sumptuous meal. Nevertheless, it’s an occasion to celebrate affection for our better half,Bennie Logan Eagles Jersey,” Rooplall added.On the other hand,Brandon Doughty Dolphins Jersey, not every man is happy to pamper his significant other on Valentine’s Day.Michael,Kiko Alonso Dolphins Jersey, married for 20 years and a father of six, strongly contends that Valentine’s Day has evolved into an occasion to manipulate men into overspending and pampering them unnecessarily.  He describes the celebration as “stupid” and is adamant that most average men harbor similar views, even though they may not admit it.“The average man is manipulated by the whole ideal of the festivity … I think it’s a silly stupid celebration that has programmed women to think or believe that if their partner does not get them something for Valentine’s  he does not love them.”“I didn’t even realize that it’s that time again until I went into a store down town and saw a set of red and white… we just finished with the Christmas season.”And, as we found out from our interview with Justin, a self proclaimed player, women may need to redefine the meaning of receiving gifts from their ‘significant other’ on this special day.This is because he claims that he buys no less than ten gifts for different women each year; making them all feel special.“ Well I am a player so I have a lot of girlfriends and they all want to feel special on that day, so I make them feel special… weeks before the occasion they begin bothering me about what I will get them so I  buy gifts for all of them and they are all happy  and when they are happy I am happy,” Justin candidly explained.He also had some advice for women “Ladies , you shouldn’t get all caught up in the quality of gifts you receive on Valentine’s Day to measure how much your partner loves you because if he knows that’s the yardstick you are measuring with he will deliver as I do with my girlfriends….let your partners treat you special each day throughout the year ….”However, while Valentine’s Day around the globe is observed by men pledging their undying love for their female counterparts, in Japan it’s the women who are required to express their love and courtesy to men and boys by giving gifts, usually chocolates.Some men believe it would be quite interesting if the rest of the world commemorated the observance in a similar fashion.

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