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[泰拳] Throwback Jerseys if you give an inmate a stick of gum and it is not authorized









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發表於 2017-7-6 01:36:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Lay Pastor was yesterday handed over to the police a few hours after he was caught trying to smuggle marijuana and cell phones into the Georgetown Prison.The pastor,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, who teaches inmates at the penal institution, was detained by prison officials with five packets of marijuana, three cellular phones and a quantity of cash.The incident occurred at about 21:45 hours.According to reports reaching this newspaper, acting on information, prison officials carried out a search on the pastor as he was about to enter the facility to conduct music classes with the inmates.A source at the Georgetown Prison informed this newspaper that the marijuana was found stashed in the pastor’s shoes, while the cash and cell phones were found in his crotch and other parts of his body.The source said that, when questioned, the pastor told prison officials that he was taking in the items to inmates, but he did not identify the persons.The source said that prison officials had suspected the pastor of smuggling in items into the prison, hence the search of his person.“We were acting on information we received that he was smuggling in items,” the source said.The recent bust gives credit to the theory that most of the illegal articles found in the prison are taken in by staff members and other trusted individuals.This view was expressed by two retired Correctional Officers from the United States of America who had conducted a training programme for prison officers on ethical dilemmas late last year.Yesterday’s bust came at a time when prison officials are increasingly unearthing contraband within the prison.In some cases, these items are smuggled in by the prisoners themselves, while the authorities have caught staff members trying to take in drugs in some of the most ingenuous ways.Carlyle Holder is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Florida-based Correctional Management and Communications Group. He has 27 years’ experience in the United States correctional facility, including a top post at the country’s largest federal prison before his retirement in January this year.In an exclusive interview with this newspaper last year, he had explained that while he was impressed with the staff of the local prison,Throwback Jerseys, there is a need for improving the system and transforming it into a more progressive operation.He said that, first of all, prison officers must be aware of the ethics’ problem, so that they will be better able to deal with it.“What it really boils down to is doing the right thing,” he added.There are reports that a local prisoner could get almost anything illegal within the facility.These illegal items are either smuggled in through the gate, although the administration has installed an x-ray scanner, or are thrown over the prison walls, such as in the case of a firearm recently.The latter has prompted the administration to reinforce the guards around the main prison in Georgetown, to deter this kind of activity.Several officers were caught trying to smuggle marijuana into the prison.Holder pointed out that although some prison officers are guilty of facilitating the entry of contraband goods into the prison,China Jerseys Cheap, this is just a small percentage of the staff.“What happens is the good people look the other way, and what we have to get them to do is not look the other way, but report them. Let’s get rid of the few bad apples that make the agency appear to be corrupted with a lot of dirty staff.“This training will probably remove some of that wall of silence, so that people will realize that if they look the other way, they are just as guilty as the person that’s doing it,” he said.He described contraband items as things that should not be in the prison, including drugs and cell phones.“Contraband can be anything that is unauthorized. In our business, if you give an inmate a stick of gum and it is not authorized, it’s the beginning of something. Although it’s small and may have no significance in what we do, once you give him that one illegal piece, it could move from there to a candy, then to drugs and then a cell phone,” the prison expert explained.Unlike in the United States of America, prisoners in Guyana get more opportunity to interact with the public whenever they are on outdoor duties.The prison expert agreed that this increases the opportunities for them to smuggle prohibited items into the facility.However, according to the Deputy Director of Prisons, Pushanand Tahal, while the Georgetown Prison is equipped with a scanner, it can only detect illegal objects in a bag.He said that the culprits are now moving in stuff by body cavities (strapping items to the body), which would render the scanner useless, since it is not designed for that purpose.“A lot of people would what we call ‘pouch’ things,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, like cigarettes and drugs, on their persons. There is a large percentage of pouching,Marlon Humphrey Jersey,” Tahal said.He explained that some warders come from the same society as some of the inmates, and this leads some to sometimes compromise their professionalism.He pointed out that,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, in some cases, inmates would threaten warders to force them to do their bidding.“Out of fear, some of the wardens would be coerced into smuggling illegal items, especially for high-profile prisoners,” the acting Director told this newspaper.Only recently, a warder was transferred to another location after he informed the prison authorities about threats made to him by a prisoner.Tahal agreed with the US experts that the prevalence of cellular phones in the prisons is a growing cause for concern.“These prisoners study the yard, and with things like cell phones, they know when their accomplices can throw something over the wall or when a facilitating officer is on duty to receive the illegal items from a person on the outside,” Tahal contended.“Cell phones are perhaps the most prevalent issue facing us as a profession, because it intimidates witnesses,” the US expert had stated, pointing out that so worrying is the scenario that the issue made the front page of leading US dailies.The threat of illegal weapons entering the prison is also very much alive.In 2002, prisoners who were armed with guns killed a warder and severely wounded another in one of Guyana’s most daring and violent jailbreaks.

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