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發表於 2017-7-6 05:37:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A woman in an advanced stage of her pregnancy, and was caught when she attempted to smuggle ganja into the New Amsterdam prison to her incarcerate husband,Bruce Smith Bills Throwback Jersey, was Thursday further remanded. Her sentence has been deferred for the third time.Verna McDonald,Teemu Selanne Ducks Throwback Jersey, 25, of Mai Mai Dam,Hank Aaron Braves Throwback Jersey, Angoy’s Avenue, New Amsterdam,Bob Cousy Celtics Throwback Jersey, and the mother of a one-year old however received a scolding from Magistrate Adela Nagamootoo when she reappeared before her at the New Amsterdam magistrate court recently. She had pleaded guilty when she first appeared before the magistrate on the charge of introducing narcotics to the prison.Magistrate Nagamootoo told the woman that she does not appreciate being lied to. This was after the woman had stated that she has one child. Earlier,Atlanta Braves Throwback Jersey, she had told the magistrate that she had two and that her children are hungry and did not have any one to take care of them.The woman also told the magistrate that she does not know when she is expected to deliver her baby. She said that since she has been incarcerated no one has visited her in prison and that her clinic card is at home.The magistrate told the pregnant woman that she should have considered the consequences when she decided to take the drugs to her imprisoned husband.“You should have thought about your unborn child as you sewed every stitch in the pants to conceal the drugs that you took to your husband.  What you have done is to endanger the life of that unborn child. You did not think about the welfare of your baby..”The woman had told the court that she was laid off from work by her employer after they learnt that she was pregnant.She was desperate and did not know what went into her head to commit such an act, she added.Prosecuting Sergeant Godfrey Playter had told the court that on Monday January 28,Jay Novacek Cowboys Throwback Jersey, McDonald visited her husband,Sam Mills Panthers Throwback Jersey, Lamont Leacock, who is incarcerated on a charge of break and enter and larceny committed on national boxing champion and former world rated boxer, Howard Eastman.The woman, during her visit,Roger Staubach Cowboys Throwback Jersey, took some clothing and other items to the inmate. The clothes were checked by prison officials and what looked like leaves,Gale Sayers Bears Throwback Jersey, seeds and stems of the marijuana plant were found sewn in the flap of a pair of cargo pants that was in the bundle. The woman was arrested and the substance was tested and weighted and found to be 13.9 grams of marijuana.She was subsequently charged, and pleaded guilty.She told the court that she knew that the offence carries a term of imprisonment and begged the court for a chance. “I made a mistake”.The magistrate deferred sentence to Tuesday and ordered that the woman be taken to a medical institution to be examined to ascertain the state of her pregnancy.

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