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發表於 2017-7-6 16:33:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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One of Main Street’s most prominent buildings,Evan Engram Jersey, which up to last year was home to Customs House, has officially been placed on the market for sale.The property was left vacant after the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) moved into its new offices at Camp Street, bringing a significant number of its departments under one roof.For Sale: Customs HouseAccording to an advertisement in the state-owned Guyana Chronicle yesterday, titled “Property For Sale”, the former GRA Customs House sits on 0.382 acres of land at Sub-lot ‘A’ of Lot 34 Main and Hope Streets, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown.Persons interested in purchasing the property will have to register for tender documents which is being handled by National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), an arm of Government which manages state assets.A $3,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey,000 fee will purchase documents which includes the procedures for tendering, a letter of authority to visit the properties, a copy of the survey plan and ownership documents, draft agreement of sale and general information and description of the property.Tenders to NICIL’s Kingston offices are to be submitted no later than March 7th with Government and NICIL making it clear that they are not bound to accept the highest or for that matter, any bids at all.Main Street is fast becoming a hotspot,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, with a number of prominent night clubs and restaurants located there. Located next to Customs House is New Thriving,Jerseys Cheap NFL, a popular Chinese restaurant, while Palm Court is on the other side.There had been speculations that the property had already been sold. In late November,Jerseys NFL China, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon said that there was no intention of putting it to use for any government purpose.The impending sale of Customs House is likely to be closely watched. NICIL’s handling of state assets have been heavily criticised after the controversy over the Sanata Complex deal to Queens Atlantic,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, and a number of properties on Duke Street,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Kingston.NICIL itself has been under scrutiny for a number of large-scale Government projects including the Marriott Hotel, the Berbice River Bridge and the Amaila Falls hydro project.

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