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發表於 2017-7-6 22:47:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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— Chancellor Carl Singh– Juliet Holder-Allen says delay “keeping me back with my professional life” Chancellor of the Judiciary (Ag) Carl Singh says that the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) is examining the former Chief Magistrate Juliet Holder-Allen’s record of service and this information will be sent to the Ministry of Finance.“Her record of service is being looked at and this will be sent to the Finance Ministry,Donnie Shell Steelers Jersey UK, and they will determine her benefits.”Chancellor of the Judiciary (Ag) Carl SinghChief Justice Singh,L.C. Greenwood Steelers Jersey UK, who is also the JSC Chairman, told Kaieteur News on Monday,Clay Matthews Packers Jersey UK, “All that we do here is compute her years of service and we refer this to the Ministry of Finance for them to determine her eligibility and quantum. We’ve asked them to expedite it.”Chancellor Singh also explained that the Commission,DeAngelo Williams Steelers Jersey UK, which met last week Wednesday, had to examine Mrs. Holder-Allen’s letter of resignation to determine that her resignation was in order.Mrs. Holder-Allen told Kaieteur News yesterday that she has been receiving scant reports about the status of her payments.She said that checks she made at the Finance Ministry yesterday revealed that the Ministry has still not received any documents regarding her payments.“I spoke with a top official in the Finance Ministry and he told me that nothing has been sent,Nick Perry Packers Jersey UK,” she said.“He said that they will expedite my payments once they receive it.”Mrs. Holder-Allen has repeatedly expressed her frustration at what she feels are unnecessary delays in receiving her benefits.According to the former Chief Magistrate,Davante Adams Packers Jersey UK, the delay is preventing her from moving on with her professional life.“I was due to go for a job interview in the Caribbean two weeks ago but I can’t. The simple thing of sending my records of service to the Finance Ministry has not been done.”Mrs. Holder-Allen submitted her resignation on September 1. A letter to the Commission indicated that her resignation took effect from September 15.She had told journalists that the resignation was in the form of early retirement and that she would be seeking all benefits due her.Mrs. Holder-Allen said that,Ray Nitschke Packers Jersey UK, since September 1,Kevin Faulk Patriots Jersey UK, the Commission was aware of the terms and conditions under which she was going to sever her relationship with them.She opined that “the making up of my accounts should not engage anyone’s attention for more than two days at the most.”The Judicial Services Commission removed Mrs. Holder-Allen from her active duty in 2004,Louis Lipps Steelers Jersey UK, in the wake of allegations levelled against her.She had served as Chief Magistrate for about eight years.

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