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發表於 2017-7-7 02:48:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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NEW AMSTERDAM, BERBICE – Patients of Ward Four – Ophthalmology of the New Amsterdam Hospital lost their cool yesterday morning after no water was available to them.Patients John Sinclair and Linda SimpsonWhen Kaieteur News visited the institution about 06:05 hours, all was quiet but persons around reported hearing a commotion and loud voices earlier.At least seven patients were in Ward Four, two of whom were men.John Sinclair,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, 65,Authentic Jerseys Sale, of Litchfield, West Coast Berbice, was admitted last Monday for cataract surgery. According to him, they have been experiencing the discomfort throughout the week.The situation was especially bad on Tuesday and Wednesday, and by yesterday they had suffered enough. “The situation deteriorated,Wholesale China Jerseys, the toilets can’t flush – they stink. The whole place stinks. We need the President or the Prime Minister to intervene in this matter so that the hospital can be a better place.”Linda Simpson, a 73-year-old,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, also of Litchfield, said she was hospitalised since last Tuesday. She too underwent a cataract surgical procedure. “No water since we get up this morning…We can’t do anything…no water; very bad!”Another patient, Ruth Beaton, explained that visitors have to supply them with water for their every need.“We are not getting water and it is affecting us greatly. You know the ladies must have water early in the morning.”The patients pointed out that they must use a galvanized bowl to fetch water to flush the toilet and to bathe themselves.Sixty-eight-year-old Sahadai lives at Ma Retraite on the East Bank of Berbice. “Water problem…I fed up…You can’t get water to bathe or do anything…they ain’t even got none to flush the toilet.”Raywattie Singh, 61, of Letter Kenny on the Corentyne like the others could not perform the basic morning functions, “No water – we ain’t bathe yet…we want to use the toilet…They say we getting water till night.”Hannah Vanderstoop, 71,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, of Locaber in West Canje recalled a similar situation on Saturday,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, “How long more we gwine bear this? How much water your family can fetch from home? Everybody walking around the hospital – no water.”A source said that the hospital administration employed an individual specifically to pump water from the main through their system and finally to the wards and other departments. The source said that the problem could have been the failure of the Guyana Water Incorporated to supply water. “When they don’t supply water the man can’t pump!”Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo acknowledged that the institution has been experiencing problems with its water supply and this has been so for almost three months.The problem is that with frequent power outages from the power company, the Guyana Water Inc. cannot provide the supply that is needed. “We do have water but there are periods when there is none.“On Saturday night the reservoir was full but by yesterday it was empty. To be fair to GWI – they give us a supply and we pump depending on the supply.”There is also some degree of water wastage within the institution and many of the patients are guilty of this. Many times the faucets are left flowing since some patients do not shut them off after using them.Dr. Mahadeo explained that the Regional Administration is constructing a reservoir for the institution. He could not disclose any information on the actual project but he noted that the Region Six Chairman Zulfikar Mustapha tried to resolve the water shortage situation at the New Amsterdam Hospital.Chairman Zulfikar Mustapha, when contacted, said that he was in North America.

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