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發表於 2017-7-7 03:12:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Internationally recognized Canadian Journalist to attend The Anna Catherina Islamic Complex (ACIC) in association with the Markaz al Ihsaan Guyana Branch will host a Special Zikr (remembrance of Allah) Programme on Friday from 6.30PM (after Maghrib salat) at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex.Internationally recognized Canadian Journalist & Television Producer Nazim BakshThe program will feature two renowned personalities – internationally acclaimed Journalist,Kyle Emanuel Chargers Jersey, Nazim Baksh and distinguish Caribbean Scholar,Wilbert Montgomery Eagles Jersey, Maulana Dr. Muhammad Waffee.Internationally recognized and award winning Canadian journalist and TV Producer,Philip Rivers Chargers Jersey, Toronto-based Guyanese Nazim Baksh. He has worked extensively in Afghanistan, Pakistan and recently reported from Guantanamo Bay. He has a Masters in Journalism and is recognized for his production of the documentary – “Son of Al Qaeeda” about a Canadian youth Abdurahman Khadr.In 2007,Brandon Flowers Chargers Jersey, he, and two others,Reshad Jones Dolphins Jersey, won an award from Canadian Association of Journalists for a segment entitled “The Mole”.In 2011 he and another journalist,Ryan Tannehill Dolphins Jersey, won a Canadian Association for Journalists award for “Death in a Community. A Muslim scholar in his own right,Darren Sproles Eagles Jersey, he has travelled extensively and has been responsible for bringing some of the best scholars to Guyana and the Caribbean.World renowned Muslim Scholar,Kenny Stills Dolphins Jersey, Maulana Dr. Mohammed Waffee was born in Trinidad & Tobago and obtained his Bachelor’s Degree and his Masters (MA) in Islamic Studies at the University of Karachi. He also obtained his Doctorate (PHD) in Comparative Religion at the University of Karachi. For two decades he was assigned to the reputable Muslim World League (MWL), based in Saudi Arabia.  From 1990 to 2002 (when he retired) he served as the Regional Director (Caribbean and South America) of the MWL.  He was also the Principal of the famed Hajji Ruknudeen School of Higher Islamic education and founder / Principal (to date) of Markaz Al Ihsan (Center of Refinement) based in the twin island.He served in numerous local and international organizing and advisory positions over the years and was the Editor of “The Minaret” in Karachi Pakistan. On the political scene,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, he served as Senator of the Upper House of Trinidad’s Parliament from 1981-86.He was the Editor of several magazines including “Al Ilm” and “The Muslim World”. He has written over 30 Islamic Books and is one of the most respected scholars in the Caribbean and further.

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