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發表於 2017-7-7 06:13:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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ALBION, CORENTYNE – The fifth annual Berbice Expo and Trade Fair opens this evening at the Albion Sports Complex.The Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce/Ministry of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce showpiece is expected to attract thousands over the next four nights, more so with the Berbice River Bridge in operation.Last year, approximately 22,000 supported the four-day event. President of the Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce,Cody Eakin Jersey, Bhigroog Poonai, said that all is set for the event. Each spot has already been sold and the final touches are being added.According to him, President Bharrat Jagdeo would deliver the feature address for the first time.The formal opening ceremony commences at 17:00 hours. Other speakers would include Gerry Gouviea, Chairman of the Private Sector Commission,Brandon Saad Jersey, and the Minister of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce, Manniram Prasad.There would also be a cultural programme this afternoon and the annual award ceremony for the top performers at this year’s National Grade Six Assessment.Tomorrow, and Sunday there would be stand-up comic shows with artistes, including Habeeb Khan.The exposition would feature four nights of live entertainment from the New Melody Makers.Meanwhile, close to 150 booths have been allocated the various entities,J. T. Miller Team North America Jersey, among them Guyana Sugar Corporation,Johnny Gaudreau Team North America Jersey, Shivam Furniture Company out of India, Digicel, the Ministry of Agriculture, New Guyana Marketing Corporation, NARI,Trevor Daley Jersey, National Dairy Development Programme, a contingent from Suriname, Décor, Ansal McAl, Banks DIH, Demerara Distilleries Limited and a host of other organizations from across Guyana.The annual exposition places the spotlight on business entities across Guyana. It serves also as a means of strengthening ties between local businesses and those outside of the Region, to highlight local products and to create opportunities not only for the manufacturers but the small man as well.The Berbice Expo and Trade Fair was cited as one of the reasons that some small agencies have been able to expand.This year, the organizers are placing more emphasis on showcasing local products and promoting goods and services of remote areas.The Guyana Police Force,Trevor Van Riemsdyk Jersey, Guyana Sugar Corporation and COPS would collaborate to provide the necessary security services.Mr. Poonai emphasized that the success of the Berbice Expo and Trade Fair is not for personal gain but for the development of the entire Region.He called on persons to come out in their numbers and support the biggest activity in East Berbice .There would be fun rides and games for the young at heart and culinary delights for all. There would also be the usual art and craft products.Tickets can be uplifted at various venues in Berbice including Sukpaul’s Filling Stations at Corriverton and New Amsterdam, Dhanar Filling Station on the West Coast of Berbice, Gafoors, Poonai’s Pharmacy and Imran and Sons General Store at Rose Hall Town.The cost for entry is $300 for adults $100 for children.The President of the Chamber of Commerce expressed gratitude to the Guyana Sugar Corporation,Duncan Keith Jersey, Fidelity Group of Companies, the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Tourism,Jaromir Jagr Jersey, Industry, and Commerce, Gafoors, Digicel among other agencies and media houses.Meanwhile the current weather pattern should be of no concern to patrons since the Albion Sports Complex ground is designed to allow for a fast drainage.The Berbice Expo and Trade Fair will end on Monday. The theme selected this year is ‘Creating Linkages, Building Partnerships,Paul Stastny Jersey, and Harnessing Resources’.(Melissa Johnson)

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