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Five fined, arrest warrant issued for anotherAs the police intensify their campaign against illegalities on the road, six more errant drivers who were bent on breaking the law by operating their private cars for hire have been arrested.The police have begun using decoys that would board the vehicles with marked money and after paying and disembarking the errant drivers are arrested, told of the offence and charged.They were all placed before the courts whilst five were fined one failed to show up,Jerseys NFL China, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. They were charged with using motor vehicle for purpose other than what is was licence for and breach of insurance.The first two to be nabbed were Edroy Thomas,Throwback Jerseys, 30, of 163 Tucber Park, New Amsterdam. He was driving motor car PTT 2096.There was Inties Khan, 23 of Fort Ordnance, East Canje Berbice, who was driving motor car PTT 5717.The decoys with marked money boarded the vehicles at New Amsterdam and disembarked at Rose Hall the drivers were paid with the marked money. After the transactions were completed, the drivers were told of the offence and the marked money was found in their possession.They appeared in the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus. Thomas pleaded guilty to the offence and was fined $40,000 while Khan failed to show up and an arrest warrant was issued for his arrest.The other men were all nabbed on the West Coast Berbice travelling from Bath to Fort Wellington.  Charged were Julian Gordon, 24, of Lot 15 Paradise, West Coast Berbice who was driving PTT 4858; Jermaine Mc Donald,Jerseys From China, 38, of Little Abary,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, Mahaicony, who was driving motor car PRR 9490; Vincent Smith, 36, of No 30 village, West Coast Berbice, driver of PRR 1354; Nazim Gathery,Cheap Jerseys From China, 31, of Blairmont,Jerseys NFL Cheap, driving PTT 1549; Marlon Wilson, 36, of Lot 44, No3 Village, West Coast Berbice,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, driving PSS 9550; and Clement Jeffery, 30, of Kiltern Corentyne, the driver of PTT 1512.They appeared before Magistrate Rhondell Weaver at the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court and fined $20,000 each.The police have vowed to continue the exercise.

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