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發表於 2017-7-7 18:02:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The ruling party has vowed to tackle, in a timely manner, cases of corruption when they are found.According to the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), the issue of corruption was raised during its 30th Congress held last weekend at the J.C. Chandisingh Secondary School, Port Mourant, East Berbice.In a political declaration released yesterday, the party had this to say on corruption and what was decided at the Congress: “We stand firmly on the side of good governance, the promotion of accountability in government and in the party and transparency of those in public life. Furthermore, we support the party in government and the party in firmly addressing such cases of corruption wheresoever they are found in a timely manner.”The issue of corruption has been one hotly debated for a number of years now.  There have been accusations of deep-seated corruption but no known cases of anyone being charged or officially sanctioned.The administration has been calling for evidence. Last year, two senior officials of the state-owned National Communications Network (NCN) were embroiled in multi-million-dollar case involving the production of a singing talent show. Some of the moneys were even deposited in the bank account of one of the executives.Yet, almost one year later, the Office of the President has not yet released the findings of that report, despite calls for it and promises by government officials, including President Donald Ramotar.One of the two officials resigned while the other has been on suspension.In another case, an independent auditor of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) found that his contract could not be renewed after highlighting several instances of what he believed to be irregularities. His report implicated senior NDIA officials. He sent a copy of his report to the President,Stephen Gostkowski Patriots Jersey UK, raising anger over the deliberate bypass.Meanwhile,Ray Nitschke Packers Jersey UK, the “political declaration” yesterday also addressed the party’s performance at the November 2011 General and Regional Elections in which it lost its Parliamentary majority for the first time in its 20-year rule.The party said that delegates and observers acknowledged that there was still more to be done “and the party recognizes that some things that we wanted to do in government could not be done because of the lack of human,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey UK, technical and financial resources. We recognize that in this the post-November 2011 election period we have been tried and tested by the one seat majority of the opposition APNU and AFC in the National Assembly and their reckless anti-national positions.”On the way forward,Eddie Lacy Packers Jersey UK, the party said it was preparing to reverse those results which caused them to become a one-seat minority in the National Assembly.“We resolutely resolve here today that we, the party delegates and observers,Jack Ham Steelers Jersey UK, to the 30th Congress, will work strenuously to strengthen the party and its bodies, to invigorate our work amongst the people with more focused political leadership and consciousness, to ensure that the present situation is reversed at the next elections.”Party officials had said that they have blamed the Parliamentary loss to failure to connect to grass roots supporters, traditionally considered as the party’s mainstay. The poor results of the sugar industry and a growing divide with sugar workers have also been blamed.During the opening of the congress two Fridays ago,Nick Perry Packers Jersey UK, the party had unveiled plans to strengthen its youth arm even more.Vowing to continue uniting the “diverse ethnic groups” in the country and to “unequivocally reject those who are intent on dividing our people on the basis of ethnicity”, the party said it recognizes that ethnic insecurities are real and that any political solution must address these insecurities and build trust and confidence among Guyanese.The party also took credit for the development strides in Guyana.“We recognize with pride as PPP members that Guyana has made tremendous economic progress, surviving the global financial and economic crises that have ravaged many countries in the world, including the USA, Southern Europe, and some Caribbean countries.”The statement pointed to the 21 years that the party had been in government “radically” reforming the Guyana Constitution and upholding it, protecting human rights, safeguarding democracy, upholding due process,Pittsburgh Steelers Jersey UK, protecting the workers and farmers,Donnie Shell Steelers Jersey UK, assisting the private sector,Rod Woodson Steelers Jersey UK, cementing good neighbourliness with states on the borders, articulated the best interests of overseas Guyanese and have created transformative developmental projects which will allow Guyana to make quantum leaps to being a modern democratic nation.“We reaffirm our firm commitment to ensuring that public safety and security remains a top priority in the overall developmental strategy of the PPP/C administration. To this end, we will work to ensure that the administration provides the joint services with the necessary tools and legal provisions to allow them to execute effectively their lawful responsibilities in the fight against all forms of criminal activities and the protection of our borders.”

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