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發表於 2017-7-7 18:09:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Minister Baksk The public school feeding programme has warranted a six-month survey, which has been very revealing.  This is according to Minister of Education, Shaik Baksh, who disclosed that the review was undertaken to examine the very extensive programme to ensure that it was on track.He admitted that there have been some problems, particularly in the acquisition of fresh supplies,Lynn Swann Steelers Jersey UK, a development he attributed to the El Nino weather condition. According to the Minister, the Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), which is tasked with providing juices to the schools,Jack Ham Steelers Jersey UK, did have some problems and had to substitute juices on occasions. “This affected the supply to the schools, I must tell you. We have had some problems also in timely transportation arrangements and also storages. This was a problem in some of the schools.”  There have also been some complaints as it relates to leakages, a state of affairs,Mike Wagner Steelers Jersey UK, which has been described as fermentation. But according to the Minister, his Ministry has been assured by the supplier that the juices have a shelf life of six months. “We are convinced about that. We have gotten a written statement about the quality of the juices but we are aware that there have been some leakages, perhaps because of the handling…So we are constantly looking at that.”However, efforts are already being made to correct the problems by putting measures in place to have improved arrangements within another month or two, the Minister added.“We are hoping to provide better storage in some of the schools and ensure that our transportation is efficient. We have worked out our scheduling of the supplies of biscuit and juices to the schools.”The overall review of the feeding programme suggests that all of the schools have reported satisfaction with the programme, which has been of significant benefit to the students, Baksh asserted. The survey, he said, has shown that attendance in the schools has increased. “We have empirical data and all Head Teachers and Teachers are in high praise for the programme.”However, Baksh noted that the Ministry has not yet been able to deduce whether the programme has had a direct effect on students’ performance. He is optimistic that this will be realised in another few years following longitudinal studies.Government is expending some $1.2B to facilitate the school feeding programme. Added to this, the Ministry is currently offering a Hot Meal Programme in the Hinterland Regions, which comes under the Fast Track Initiative. “The biscuits and juice is (made available to students at a cost of about) $800M, and $360M is for the hot meal for the Hinterland and we are extending that programme by 26 schools this year in the hinterland areas. We also have a programme with the Cassava Bread, nut butter and Juice programme that is to the tune of $30M and we are expanding that this year also; we are adding on 29 more schools in the Hinterland Regions.”The feeding programme, the Minister said, is one which is designed to address attendance and performance rate in the quest to achieve an overall improved education system.Meanwhile, the school uniform programme offered by the Ministry has seen a total of 177,DeAngelo Williams Steelers Jersey UK,000 students being able to benefit. This programme,Kevin Faulk Patriots Jersey UK, according to Baksh,Ernie Stautner Steelers Jersey UK, is intended for all Primary and Secondary Schools without exception. “The programme has been going well.  I have visited several of the schools and the parents and teachers have been high in praise of this programme. Over 130,000 vouchers have been issued and we are hoping that within another two weeks,Merril Hoge Steelers Jersey UK, by the end of the month, parents will come up and get their vouchers so that they can purchase school items including uniforms.”However,Louis Lipps Steelers Jersey UK, in Regions One,Dave Robinson Packers Jersey UK, Seven, Eight and Nine, the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs is responsible for the actual purchase of materials and the sewing of uniforms. Just over 30,000 Hinterland students are expected to benefit from this programme this year.

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